Microsoft Visio vs Lucidchart: Difference and Comparison

Many individuals working in the sector of engineering or corporate or marketing sector. Tend to make a lot of flowchart diagrams for their projects, numbers, surveys, presentations, etc.

And while making perfect and accurate flow chart diagrams, they search through a lot of manual or online options for the purpose. So, there have been many options available around.

And Microsoft Visio and Lucidchart are two options that help individuals with easy and perfect work.

Key Takeaways

  1. Microsoft Visio is a proprietary diagramming tool with a focus on enterprise use.
  2. Lucidchart is a cloud-based diagramming tool that emphasizes collaboration and sharing.
  3. While Visio is better suited for complex technical diagrams, Lucidchart is more user-friendly and accessible.

Microsoft Visio vs Lucidchart

Microsoft Visio is a software released in 1992 by the Microsoft Company and is supported by Windows. Lucidchart is software for web-based diagramming that was developed by Lucid Software in 2008. It is supported by Linus, Windows, Android, and other operating systems and can be integrated with different apps.

Microsoft Visio vs Lucidchart

Microsoft Visio was initially introduced in the market in the year 1992 and was developed by the company Shapeware Corporation. But later on, in the year 2000.

The Microsoft company acquired its full and final rights from them. The software provides a great user experience and possesses advanced tools, diagrams, and visualization.

Lucidchart is software that is developed by the company Lucid Software. And the software was released in the last decade, that is, in December 2008.

The software is a web-based platform that allows its user to take advantage of the diagram, tools, charts, etc., in-built within the application.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonMicrosoft VisioLucidchart
Developed By Microsoft CompanyLucid Software
Released In 1992December 2008
User Experience Have advanced tools, diagrams, etcEasy and quick to use
CollaborationsSimultaneous view of the same documentsSimultaneous access to the same documents
Supported By WindowsLinux, Android, OS X, Windows
IntegrationsLimitedAlmost every other web application
UpdateTakes timeFrequent

What is Microsoft Visio?

Microsoft Visio is a software application that was released in the year 1992. The software’s initial release was made by the real developers of the software that is Shapewear Corporation.

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But later on, the full and final rights of the software were acquired by the Microsoft Company in 2000. The software is based on advanced tools, diagrams, charts, graphics, etc.

The software application allows the users to work on the document simultaneously and don’t allow them to view the changes made. It is supported or restricted to the said platform, Windows.

The integrations that are supported by the application are very limited. The pricing system of the application is in two terms: free and paid.

In the paid version, there is two version – standard and professional. Also, it takes longer to get an update of the software. 

What is Lucidchart?

Lucidchart is a software application that is based on web-based and was released in the year December 2008. The software was released by the organization Lucid Software.

The experienced faced by the user shows that the application is seamlessly effortless to use. The new users can access the application even without login in.

The software application allows the users to work on the same document simultaneously, knowing about its changes also, as the application is web-based.

It can be excessed from anywhere and is supported by – Windows, Linux, OS X, Android, etc. The integrations that are supported by the respective application are more than limited.

It can collaborate with many applications that are known around, like GitHub, Slack, and MS Office. The pricing policy of the apps is high, and it gets updated frequently to keep up with the features in the market. 

Main Differences Between Microsoft Visio and Lucidchart

  1. The Visio software application is the one that is developed by the company Microsoft whereas comparatively, on the other hand, the software application Lucidchart is developed by the organization Lucid Software.
  2. The software Microsoft Visio was released initially back in the year 1992, whereas comparatively, on the other hand, the software Lucidchart software application was released back in the last decade, that is, December 2008.
  3. The user experience towards the application Microsoft Visio is that they provide quite advanced tools, diagrams, charts, etc., whereas comparatively, on the other hand, the user experience of the software Lucidchart is quite easy to use.
  4. The collaborations that allow Microsoft Visio to make is that a window of work can be used simultaneously to view the same document, whereas comparatively, on the other hand, the collaborations that allow the software Lucidchart is that while working on a window it can be accessed simultaneously for the same document.
  5. The software application is supported or restricted only to Windows, whereas, comparatively, on the other hand, the Lucidchart application is supported by Windows, Linux, Android, and OS X. 
  6. The integrations supported by Microsoft Visio have quite limited options whereas comparatively, on the other hand, the integrations supported by the Lucidchart are quite almost now and then applications that are modernly used like – Slack, Microsoft, GitHub, etc. 
  7. The price of the software application Microsoft Visio is much less, and it does also have some features that can be excessed freely whereas comparatively, on the other hand, the price for the software application Lucidchart is more and the free version allows to use only about three diagrams or chart.
  8. Eventually, the software Microsoft Visio takes a longer time to get its new update while comparatively, on the other hand, the application Lucidchart gets its update to keep up with the new upcoming features in the market. 
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Last Updated : 11 June, 2023

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8 thoughts on “Microsoft Visio vs Lucidchart: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The detailed information about the future development of the software tools is valuable. This can play a significant role in the decision-making process for someone choosing between Microsoft Visio and Lucidchart.

  2. The comparison of the software’s user experience is relevant for anyone new to diagramming tools. It is essential to be able to quickly understand how to use any new software that you plan to incorporate into your workflow.

  3. The difference between these two tools is clear, but they serve a similar purpose. If you are going to use the software often, it may be worth investing in the higher quality program.

  4. The article provides a detailed comparison of Microsoft Visio and Lucidchart. I appreciate the facts based approach and thorough analysis of these software tools.

  5. The comparison table in the article is very useful for quickly identifying the key differences between Microsoft Visio and Lucidchart. Good content overall.

  6. It is interesting to note that Microsoft Visio has been around since 1992, while Lucidchart is a more recent addition to the diagramming software landscape. It is important to consider the legacy and experience of these tools.

  7. Both Microsoft Visio and Lucidchart have their own strengths and weaknesses. In my experience, I have found Lucidchart to be more user-friendly for beginners. An important aspect to consider when selecting a tool.

  8. The discussion of the collaborations and integrations of these two software tools is particularly informative. It is clear that Lucidchart provides more flexibility in this area than Microsoft Visio.


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