Quantum Board vs COB: Difference and Comparison

No one likes staying in the dark; what if there were no lights in our houses, buildings, streets, etc. The discovery and invention of electricity and light have proven to be very helpful for mankind.

There are different types of light sources, such as artificial, natural, luminescence, etc. People can choose from a wide range of lighting technologies (Led, halogen bulbs, etc.).

Key Takeaways

  1. Quantum board uses multiple small LEDs, while COB uses a single LED.
  2. Quantum board provides uniform light distribution, while COB provides focused light.
  3. Quantum board is more energy-efficient and has better heat dissipation than COB.

Quantum Board vs COB

A Quantum board is an LED light which contains a huge number of small LEDs. It can cover a large area. It spreads the light uniformly. It can be used for indoor gardening. COB (Chip-On-Board) contains a single LED, providing more light at the centre. Photographers can use it during shooting. It generates more heat.

Quantum Board vs COB

Quantum board is a type of new style of LED light. Small led chips or diodes are lined in rows all over the board. All these diodes get their power supply from one source at the same time (constant current driver).

COB is the abbreviation of chip-on-board; it is a type of LED light. It contains many diodes that are fixed together in a single chip. It gives out one powerful beam of light. It uses full-spectrum white LEDs.

Comparison Table

 Parameters of ComparisonQuantum Board COB
 Light Spread Covers a large area and spreads light evenly in the covered space. Gives light coverage, high intensity in the middle.
 Canopy Penetration Penetrates less through the canopy. Penetrates deep below the canopy.
 Features Good light spread, better heat management, hangs closer to canopy. Canopy penetration, compact size, great flexibility.
 Heat Management Passively cooled and do not need fans to cool down. Heats up more, and when clubbed, might need fans along with heat sinks to cool.
 Uses Used for growing flowers and veggies indoor, etc. Used by photographers and filmmakers while shooting, etc.
 Occurrence in Industry Came after COB Came before the quantum board

What is Quantum Board?

Quantum board is a type of LED light. It is a new technology. Horticulture lighting group (HLG) introduced the term “quantum board” for the first time; since then, it has been working wonders in the light industry.

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All the diodes get power at the same time from the same source. They are lined and connected parallel because only then will it make it compatible with constant high power.

There are different color temperatures available. They range from warm to cool light. 3000K, 3500k, and 5000K are a few common color temperatures where K stands for Kelvin.

The quantum boards manufactured by HLG have great qualities such as high efficiency, intensity, and great light engines. Quantum boards spread the light evenly, and this is possible because of the large number of LEDs.

Spider Farmer SF 4000, HLG 600 V2 R, Spec quantum board LFG, and Spider Farmer SF 1000 are a few different quantum boards.

What is COB?

COB is the abbreviation of Chip-on-board; it is a type of lighting. In this lighting system, LED chips are mounted on a common. The boards are metal, ceramic-based, or phosphor-silicon (modern ones).

The LED chips are set and mounted in a way that they do not take up much space, which results in high potential. COB gives more output/ light to the centre (one single point).

Only a few components go into the making of COB, as it uses only a single circuit with only two contacts of energy. So it needs very few components in the manufacturing of it.

 COD LEDs are great and have uniform brightness. This helps the photographers and filmmakers in the shooting. While it has many advantages and uses, it also gets heated up and needs cooling both passively and actively.

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Different brands manufacture COB lights. COB 600 ma natural white, LED COB concealed light, Lightron be 3 way, etc., are a few examples.

Main Differences Between Quantum Board and COB

  1. Quantum board came later, whereas COB came earlier in the market.
  2. Quantum board can be used for growing indoor plants and vegetables, whereas COB can be used for photography and filmmaking.
  1. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/15421406.2012.690642
  2. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1567173911004524

Last Updated : 14 October, 2023

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