Research Method vs Research Methodology: Difference and Comparison

Research is a method to dig up a subject to its core, gain knowledge, and make theories from it. Anything can be termed research that helps you learn about science, culture, or sociology. There are mainly three types of research scientific, artistic, and historical.

Key Takeaways

  1. Research Method refers to the specific techniques and procedures used to collect and analyze data in a research study.
  2. Research Methodology refers to the approach and framework used to guide the research process, including selecting research questions, data collection methods, and data analysis techniques.
  3. While both terms are related to research, they refer to different aspects of the research process and have different levels of specificity.

Research Method vs. Research Methodology

Research method is defined as the procedure which is followed to collect data. It also includes techniques used in the analysis of data. The research method focuses mainly on finding the result. Research methodology is related to the approach taken to identify the methods for data collection. Systematic strategy is followed in research methodology.

Research Method vs Research Methodology

The research method is the process of experimenting and deriving theories and facts from it. It comprises three steps. The first step is exploratory research.

Research methodology is the process of governing the research methods. It analyzes which way the research method moves and guides the strategies to the right path to fulfill the objective of the experiment.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of comparisonResearch methodResearch Methodology
DefinitionIt is the process of doing surveys, collecting data, and doing analysis.It is the process of studying the research methods.
Objective The aim is to find the result of the research.The aims are to secure that the research procedure is going on the correct path to becoming successful.
When to initializeThis is primarily applicable in the final stages of the research.This is applicable from the initial stages of the research.
Steps followedIt consists of surveys, data collection, and analysisIt consists of a systematic strategy.
ImportanceIt is a part of the research methodology.It is vast planning and procedure for successful research.

What is Research Method?

The research method is the process of experimenting and deriving theories and facts from it. It comprises three steps. The first step is exploratory research.

Research does not mean it is done only in scientific laboratories with test tubes and tripod stands. Still, this term also comprises the research done by sociologists and artists in their particular fields.

The first step of the research method is called exploratory research. During this process, researchers try to collect all the preliminary information about the problems to be solved. In this step, the objective is determined.

The second step of the research method is constructive research, in which surveys and data analysis are done. This leads to constructing a plan to solve the problem that arises during the exploratory study.

research method

What is Research Methodology?

Research methodology is the process of governing the research methods. It analyzes how the research method moves and guides the strategies to the right path to fulfill the objective of the experiment.

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Research methodology guides a research process in the correct direction. It looks after the thesis and the conclusion of the experiment and verifies its validity and reliability.

This procedure is mainly initialized from the initial stages until the research’s end. The research methodology provides a systematic strategy for the researchers to work on. This helps them step by step to move forward with the correct data.

research methodology

Main Difference Between Research Method and Research Methodology

  1. The research method consists of surveys, data collection, and analysis, but the research methodology comprises a systematic strategy.
  2. The research method is a part of the research methodology, but research methodology is huge planning and procedure for successful research.
Difference Between Research Method and Research Methodology

Last Updated : 11 June, 2023

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25 thoughts on “Research Method vs Research Methodology: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The article is a thought-provoking read, establishing a clear contrast between research method and research methodology. Its educational value cannot be overstated.

    • Indeed, Mharris. The article has presented the comparison between research method and research methodology in an intelligible and compelling manner.

    • This article has been instrumental in deepening my understanding of research method and research methodology. It is truly enlightening.

  2. I found this article to be quite enlightening. The elucidation of both research method and research methodology was done with remarkable clarity and precision.

    • This article has set the bar high with its detailed examination of research method and research methodology. It is indeed a commendable piece of work.

  3. This article has certainly shed light on the differences between research method and research methodology. It is a very instructive post that has broadened my knowledge on the subject.

    • You are absolutely correct, Evie. The article has done an exceptional job in explaining the intricate details of both research method and research methodology.

  4. The article has done an exemplary job of expounding on research method and research methodology. Its meticulous analysis has been a truly enlightening experience.

    • Absolutely, Knight Logan. The article has been a commendable resource, offering a comprehensive understanding of these concepts.

  5. The article has certainly provided a comprehensive understanding of research method and research methodology. Its intricate examination is truly commendable.

  6. The article is an illuminating read, providing a comprehensive analysis of research method and research methodology. An essential resource for researchers everywhere.

    • I couldn’t agree more, Anderson Riley. This article is a testament to the meticulous examination of research method and research methodology.

    • Absolutely, Anderson Riley. The article has elucidated these concepts with such precision and clarity, leaving no room for ambiguity.

  7. The article has succeeded in presenting a detailed examination of research method and research methodology. It is undoubtedly a valuable resource for anyone engaged in research.

    • Mason Phoebe, I share your sentiments. The article has demonstrated an exceptional depth of insight into these concepts.

  8. This article is a comprehensive account of the fundamental aspects of research method and research methodology. It will undoubtedly prove to be a valuable resource for researchers.

    • This article has made the subject matter very clear. Its lucid explanation has certainly contributed to my better understanding.

  9. This article has made a meaningful contribution to the discourse on research method and research methodology. It is truly an informative and enlightening piece.

    • I agree wholeheartedly, Uwatson. The article’s insightful analysis has no doubt added great value to the understanding of these terms.

  10. The elucidation of research method and research methodology provided in this article is certainly beneficial for young researchers. A great read indeed.

    • Brandon84, I could not agree more. The article has adeptly managed to present these concepts in a manner that is both comprehensible and insightful.

    • I find this article to be enlightening. It has effectively tackled the complexities pertaining to research method and research methodology.


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