SQL vs TSQL: Difference and Comparison

SQL and TSQL are both computer languages required for database systems. These languages help to retrieve information or data from the database. SQL is used for a relational database.

It helps to insert data or delete any data not required, further making some space for new data. It is also used to revoke the data.

Key Takeaways

  1. SQL is a standard language used for managing and manipulating databases.
  2. T-SQL is a proprietary language developed by Microsoft and is an extension of SQL.
  3. T-SQL allows for creating stored procedures and triggers, while SQL does not.


The difference between SQL and TSQL is SQL means Structured Query Language, but TSQL means Transact Structured Query Language. SQL does every operation with the data, such as insertion, deletion, updating, and retrieving the data, but TSQL is mainly used for making applications. SQL puts the data into TSQL, but TSQL puts the data in SQL.


SQL is a Structured Query language. It is used to communicate with the database server.

It uses a relational database management system. It does all the operations on the server.

It is used to insert, update, delete, and retrieve data in the server. It adds its data to the TSQL server.

Many servers use SQL as it is easier to maintain the data.

TSQL means Transact Structured Query Language. There is no interaction with the database of TSQL.

It is a program or block of codes that is written and run within the server, but it cannot do operations like SQL. It has a function that is written.

Numerous functions are used for the implementation.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonSQLTSQL
Full formStructured Query LanguageTransact Structured Query Language
Deliver dataTSQLSQL
StorageRDBMS(Relational Database Management System)MS SQL server
OperationDML, DDLFunctions
FunctionData storageApplications
Interaction with databaseYesNo
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What is SQL?

The full form of SQL is Structured Query Language. It is a computer language through which there can be interaction with the server.

The relational database system is the server that SQL uses to store, insert, update, or delete any data. It also helps to retrieve the data from the table whenever required.

MySQL Oracle Informix uses SQL as the computer language for the database system. There are commands through which all operations are done in the system.

It has data definition language, data manipulation language, data control language, transactional control language, and data query language. These commands have a different role in the SQL language.

The operation to create, alter or drop is done using data definition language. Insertion and deletion in the database are done using data manipulation language.

Updation in the database is also done using data manipulation language. Revoking the data is necessary, which is done by data control language.

Data control language also grants the data. Rollback and commit the data are done by transaction control language. The selection of data is made by the data query language.

The data of SQL is inserted into the TSQL database. It uses a relational database management system.


What is TSQL?

TSQL is Transact Structure Query Language. It is the upgraded version of the SQL language.

It has no control over the database. It has no interaction with the operations of the database.

It is used to write the entire program in blocks. It helps in sending transact queries to the server.

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The program is executed using the block of codes, and it is the extension of the SQL. There are types of functions in the TSQL.

There are mainly four types. They are scalar function, Rowset function, aggregate function, and ranking function.

It inserts the code in the SQL. The block of code is the function procedure.

It is majorly used with Microsoft SQL Server. Some companies provide extensions of their own with the SQL server.

It adds uniqueness to their work. The databases only use an extension to the SQL server.

Many other databases support T-SQL. This helps the database to work efficiently.

TSQL adds an easier management system with the databases. It has all the functions SQL has and has extra benefits which makes it highly efficient.

It can run the function within the server. This has no interaction with the databases as the SQL server has.

Main Differences Between SQL and TSQL

  1. SQL refers to Structured Query Language, but TSQL refers to Transact Structured Query Language.
  2. SQL is used to look after the data, but TSQL is used for making applications.
  3. SQL is inserted in TSQL, but TSQL is inserted into SQL.
  4. SQL uses RDBMS for storing the data, but TSQL uses an MS SQL server.
  5. SQL has only DML and DDL operations, but TSQL has a block of codes that uses various functions and procedures.
  6. SQL has interaction with its server, but TSQL has no interaction with the server. 
  1. http://www.cc.gatech.edu/fac/Alex.Orso/papers/halfond.viegas.orso.ISSSE06.pdf
  2. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=W4zADAAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PT9&dq=tsql&ots=t7XXcPbBpg&sig=tHVOIUBNuxks0j06Oy8M284FrCA

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About Author

Chara Yadav holds MBA in Finance. Her goal is to simplify finance-related topics. She has worked in finance for about 25 years. She has held multiple finance and banking classes for business schools and communities. Read more at her bio page.