White vs Whole Wheat: Difference and Comparison

Both white wheat and whole wheat are made from the same grain, wheat. Even though they share the same source, they have many differences in between. They are processed differently, and they have different textures and usage.

One might wonder how the two products can be different when the source is the same. Well, the answer is in the article.

Key Takeaways

  1. White bread is made from refined wheat flour, while whole wheat bread is made from flour that includes the entire wheat grain.
  2. Whole wheat bread is higher in fiber, vitamins and minerals than white bread, while white bread is enriched with added vitamins and minerals.
  3. Whole wheat bread may have a denser texture and nuttier flavor than white bread, but it also has a lower glycemic index, which can help regulate blood sugar levels.

White Wheat vs Whole Wheat

White flour has a finer texture and milder flavor than whole wheat flour, making it a popular choice for baked goods. Whole wheat flour is made by grinding the entire wheat kernel, resulting in a coarser texture and nuttier flavor. It is higher in fiber and nutrients, making it a healthier option for baked goods.

Copy of White Wheat vs Whole Wheat

White wheat flour is named that way for its white colour. It is very smooth and refined. It is made with the endosperm of wheat. It is a starchy part of wheat. In white wheat, the healthiest parts get removed.

So this wheat flour is not very beneficial and nutritious for the body.

Whole flour takes whole wheat to be made. The bran, endosperm and also germ get mixed in whole wheat. It has a rough texture, but its nutritious food values are great for our bodies.

The amount of fibre is high, thus keeping our digestive system active.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonWhite WheatWhole Wheat
Made of White wheat flour is made of the endosperm part of the wheat.Whole wheat flour is made with all the parts of wheat.
Nutritional values White wheat flour is not considered very healthy.Whole wheat flour is healthy and filled with fibre and nutrients.
Digestive nature White wheat flour is not easily digested in our stomachs. Food made with whole wheat flour is comparatively easier to digest.
Food items Baked food items, for instance, doughnuts, brownies and cupcakes, get made with white wheat. Whole wheat flour is used for everyday meals like chapatis and bread.
ColourWhite flour, as its name suggests, is white in colour.Whole wheat flour is brown in colour.
TextureIt is smooth.It is coarse.
Calcium and fibre 100g white flour has 15mg calcium and 2.7g fibre in it.100g whole flour contains 34mg calcium and 11g fibre.

What is White Wheat?

Baking goods are incomplete without white flour, cookies, doughnuts, brownies, and cupcakes. Everything has while wheat as its main ingredient. Its smooth texture can produce the perfect baked snacks.

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But nutritious elements are not its main objective. In the making of white wheat, the most nutrition-filled bodies get excluded, and thus, not many nutrients get to enter the white wheat.

Its lack of nutrients can even intrude on the healthy digestive system. It has the potential to affect health in an unfavourable way. White wheat has more calories than whole wheat, but the other nutrition values are less in quantity.

Calcium potassium and iron levels appear very low in white wheat compared to whole wheat. White wheat should not be consumed on a daily basis. Even in baking goods, we should mix white and whole wheat to trim down the damage.

white wheat

What is Whole Wheat?

Whole wheat flour appears as the healthier flour when compared to others. Usually, wheat consists of 3 parts. And all these 3 parts get used in making whole flour, the bran, the endosperm and the germ.

The bran part has fibres in abundance, and the germ of wheat is filled with several nutrients. This is why this type of wheat is very healthy for us.

Whole wheat gets used in everyday life, and we continue to use it as a part of the meal because scientific research has shown its benefits.

Research conducted by the French National Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment tell us that whole wheat has the potential to protect us against cancer. It is also helpful to reduce obesity and diabetes.

The nutrients are plenty and also useful for a healthy digestive system.

whole wheat

Main Differences Between White and Whole Wheat

  1. Wheat is a grain that is made of mainly 3 parts, the bran, the endosperm and the germ. White wheat flour takes only the endosperm part to get made. But whole wheat flour, as its name implies, is made of whole wheat, that is, all three parts of the wheat.
  2. White flour, justifying its name implies, is white, whereas whole wheat is brown.
  3. White wheat flour is smooth and ideal for baking. White whole wheat flour is not smooth but somewhat coarse.
  4. White wheat is not very easy to digest as it has a low level of fibre in it. While on the other hand, whole wheat is filled with fibre and is good for our digestive system.
  5. White wheat flour does not have many health benefits. On the contrary, it may cause harm to our health. But whole wheat flour offers several health benefits, including fighting obesity, cancer, etc.
  6. White flour is best suited for baking goods, and whole wheat flour is for making everyday food items like bread.
Difference Between White and Whole Wheat
  1. http://The nutritive value of white and whole wheat breads.
  2. https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/jf0494736
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Last Updated : 11 June, 2023

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16 thoughts on “White vs Whole Wheat: Difference and Comparison”

  1. This article has opened my eyes to the risks of consuming white wheat. I’ll make the necessary changes and start consuming whole wheat instead.

  2. The scientific evidence on the health benefits of whole wheat flour against white wheat flour is quite compelling. This article has truly made me reevaluate my dietary choices.

  3. After reading this article, I can conclude that evolving towards using whole wheat instead of white wheat for all my cooking and baking is totally the way to go. We can’t risk the health of our loved ones by using white wheat anymore.

  4. It’s fascinating to know that White Wheat and Whole Wheat, which are derived from the same source, the wheat grain, have so many differences. But I think the main issue is that white wheat flour is not as healthy as we thought. So, we should start using whole wheat more in our daily lives.

    • Indeed, it’s thought-provoking. But, while it’s true that white wheat may not be as healthy as whole wheat, we must use it in moderation to keep products tasting as expected. This is not a black and white issue.

  5. This is a pretty comprehensive look at white wheat vs whole wheat, and I can’t say I’m eager to continue consuming white wheat after reading this post.

  6. It’s true that white flour seems to be lacking in nutritional value. I am convinced by the fact that using whole wheat flour, which is full of fiber and nutrients, is the healthier choice.


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