Cloudways vs WP Engine: Difference and Comparison

Launching a website is not as easy as it sounds. Doing it manually seems nearly impossible and quite time-consuming. Many web-building platforms and hosting providers are available today to make it easier.

Platforms like these work to make online businesses easier. Web Hosting is a service provided by Web hosting Companies or platforms that sell or rent space to store files on a server that makes a website easy to access.

After a Web hosting plan is purchased, the site is stored on servers, and a unique DNS is assigned. The DNS is the website address that allows anyone with DNS to view and access the website.

The dilemma starts when a single hosting company or serving must be chosen from the millions available. Some typical options are VPS and shared and dedicated web hosting. While Cloud hosting is much easier and has more features than typical ones.

Cloudways and WP Engine are two Web hosts that follow Cloud hosting. They undoubtedly, stand out because of their unique features. Both web hosts offer strong and managed cloud hosting for WordPress sites with several hosting plans as options.

Key Takeaways

  1. Cloudways is a cloud-based hosting platform that supports multiple providers, while WP Engine is a managed WordPress hosting platform.
  2. Cloudways offers flexibility and scalability, while WP Engine provides more security and optimization features.
  3. Cloudways allows access to server-level functions, while WP Engine has a more streamlined user interface and support system.

Cloudways vs. WP Engine

Cloudways offers a more flexible pricing model with pay-as-you-go options, offers more control over server settings, and allows users to choose from multiple cloud infrastructure providers. WP Engine only offers fixed pricing plans and uses its proprietary hosting platform.

Cloudways vs WP Engine

Comparison Table

Parameter of ComparisonCloudwaysWP Engine
ManagementCloudways manages the server. WP Engine manages the server, along with the WordPress site.
ServerIt utilizes cutting-edge NGINX SSD servers. While it utilizes Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud Platform servers.
SpeedOn average, it is connected at somewhere above 400 milliseconds. Whereas it just takes 300 milliseconds to connect.
Reliability It scores an average uptime of about 99.6 percent.It scores even better, i.e., an uptime of 99.99 percent.
Backup and Recovery There are daily backups, along with recovery points. Along with daily backup points, it has an automatic disaster recovery system.
Free DomainA free domain name is provided with each of the hosting plans. No free domain is provided.
Plans and PricingIt has five plans and is quite budget-friendly as compared to WP Engine. It has three types of plans which are costlier.

What is CloudWays?

Cloudways is a Web hosting Platform-cum-Service Company that helps manage site-related applications hosted on Cloud servers. It offers an affordable yet high-functionality managed WordPress hosting that is cloud-based.

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Cloudways is designed and optimized so that there is no compromise in speed, performance, and security. It has a unique way of web hosting.

It uses a network of servers to host a site and changes its network preferences from time to time according to the load the servers bear.

It uses cutting-edge NGINX SSD servers and has an average uptime of about 99.6 percent, which is quite high. It is a complete package that helps monitor and manage the server across many features.

Some caching systems speed up site applications and boost loading times. Cloudways uses the advanced NGINX caching mechanism.

Its caching systems run on the latest updated versions. It also gives the user access to over 60+ data centers worldwide, run by its cloud hosting partners.

Surprisingly, after such a huge list of features, Cloudways remains one budget-friendly platform. It has five Pricing plans offering various prices: Digital Ocean, Vultr, Linode, Google Cloud, and Amazon Web Services.

It also provides a free domain name with each of the hosting plans.


What is WP Engine?

WP Engine is another Web hosting Platform that is WordPress-specific. It is quite on the costlier side as compared to other WordPress hosts.

It offers fully managed plans that are optimized to do every work for the site. It manages the server and the WordPress site in case of any issues.

WP Engine has two server providers: Google Cloud Platform and Amazon Web Services. It works under cutting-edge technology, just like Cloudways.

NGINX, Varnish, and Memcached are the high-performance giving tools used in WP Engine. It also has an option for the users to choose their preferred programming languages.

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It delivers an average uptime of 99.99 percent, the highest among others. Having a fully managed interface provides the user with several optimized features. Speed and Performance are probably the main focus.

WP Engine uses powerful hardware technology that offers the fastest connections. It also has an automatic disaster recovery system that allows immediate recovery on autopilot, which is a plus point over Cloudways.

It operates around 18 data centers in the world at present. WP Engine has three slightly costly Pricing plans with some unique features. Startup Plans, Growth Plans, and Scale Plans are the ones.

wp engine

Main Differences Between Cloudways and WP Engine

  1. Cloudways is managed Web hosting, while WP Engine is fully managed.
  2. WP Engine has a slightly better connection speed than Cloudways.
  3. Cloudways has an uptime of 99.6 percent, while the WP engines are 99.99 percent.
  4. WP Engine has an additional recovery feature over Cloudways.
  5. Cloudways provides a free domain name, but WP Engine does not.
  6. WP Engine has costlier pricing plans than Cloudways.

Last Updated : 11 June, 2023

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23 thoughts on “Cloudways vs WP Engine: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The comparison of Cloudways and WP Engine is well-articulated and informative, catering to the needs of readers looking for a detailed understanding of these web hosting platforms.

    • I couldn’t agree more. The article does a great job of breaking down the differences and benefits of Cloudways and WP Engine in a very comprehensive manner.

    • The article offers a comprehensive outlook on Cloudways and WP Engine, providing readers with valuable insights to make an informed decision about their web hosting preferences.

  2. The detailed comparison between Cloudways and WP Engine is not only informative but also serves as a valuable resource for individuals seeking clarity on their web hosting choices.

    • I agree, the article sheds light on significant differentiators and characteristics of Cloudways and WP Engine, adding depth to the reader’s understanding.

    • The discussion of Cloudways and WP Engine is quite insightful, providing readers with a comprehensive view of these platforms and their offerings.

  3. I like the way this article presents the differences and unique features of Cloudways and WP Engine. It’s an enlightening piece for anyone exploring web hosting options.

    • The details provided about Cloudways and WP Engine are indeed valuable, and the article successfully highlights their distinctions.

    • The article’s comprehensive analysis of Cloudways and WP Engine is quite insightful. It effectively captures the essence of their offerings and functionalities.

  4. The article provides a great insight into the features that distinguish Cloudways and WP Engine. It’s an informative read for anyone interested in web hosting.

    • I appreciate the detailed comparison and key differences mentioned in the article. It’s very helpful for those considering these web hosting platforms.

  5. This article provides an in-depth comparison of Cloudways and WP Engine, which is very informative for someone looking to choose between the two.

    • The key takeaways from the article are really valuable for those interested in web hosting. It gives a clear distinction between the two platforms.

    • I completely agree. The details about server management and the speed of connection are very useful for making a decision.

  6. The thorough explanation of what Cloudways and WP Engine have to offer is commendable. It gives readers a comprehensive understanding of these web hosting platforms.

    • The article’s comparison of Cloudways and WP Engine is quite engaging. It provides a well-rounded view of their features and functionality.

  7. The detailed comparison table is quite intriguing, I appreciate the informative breakdown of Cloudways and WP Engine.

    • Absolutely, the article delves into various aspects such as reliability, backup, and recovery that are essential for potential users to be aware of.

    • I found the description of Cloudways and WP Engine to be quite insightful and easy to comprehend. It really simplifies the decision-making process for readers.

  8. This article provides a well-researched and intricate analysis of Cloudways and WP Engine, making it a compelling read for those seeking detailed information on web hosting platforms.

    • Absolutely, the comparison table is quite enlightening, and the insights on speed, reliability, and pricing are particularly beneficial for readers in making their decision.

  9. The article offers an intellectually stimulating comparison between Cloudways and WP Engine, which can be immensely beneficial for individuals navigating the complexities of web hosting.


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