Art Resin vs Faux Rizzle: Difference and Comparison

Art resin and faux Rizzle are epoxy resins specially used by artists in their project works. Art resin, an epoxy resin, is a clear coat designed with a high gloss that is especially used for creative art projects.

Faux rizzle, which is also an epoxy, is actually made up of the countertop epoxy company/brand the best quality of Rizzle is that once it is cured, it is very safe for having contact with delicate items like food, furniture, etc. 

Key Takeaways

  1. Art Resin and Faux Rizzle are both brands of epoxy resin used for art and craft projects.
  2. Art Resin is a more expensive option but is known for its clarity and self-levelling properties. At the same time, Faux Rizzle is more affordable but can produce more bubbles during mixing.
  3. Art Resin has a longer curing time, while Faux Rizzle cures faster but may have a stronger odor.

Art Resin vs Faux Rizzle

The difference between art resin and faux Rizzle is that faux Rizzle art resin has more UV that is ultraviolet and is much more heat resistant than the standard one, which is art resin. Faux Rizzle art resin is preferred more while doing projects in open sunlight and for projects or objects that will be in direct sunlight and heat.

Art Resin vs Faux Rizzle

Art resin, an epoxy resin, is a clear coat designed with high gloss that is especially used for creative art projects. To get the most efficient and non-yellowing protection in the market, this chemical is exclusively engineered. The formula is certified for its safety issues and is totally non-toxic in use, and is safe for home use.

Faux Rizzle is epoxy and is actually made up by the countertop epoxy company/brand the best quality of Rizzle is that once it is cured, it is very safe for having contact with delicate items like food, furniture, etc.

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It is highly heat resistant and has more UV protection than any other standard epoxy resin. Although, the UV does not mean that it is cured with UV.

Comparison Table

Parameters of comparisonArt ResinFaux Rizzle
UV and heatThere is no such specification in art resin epoxy.Faux Rizzle is more resistant to UV and the heat in the sunlight.
StandardizationArt resin is a standard resin.Faux rizzle is not just a standard resin, it has special features.
Protection againstArt resin is specially engineered to give protection against the yellowing of the art.Faux Rizzle gives protection from the heat and the UV rays from the sunlight.
Delicate itemsthere is no such benefit in the art resin of protection against any delicate items.Faux Rizzle once cured is very safe with delicate items like food.
CertificationThe art resin is formula is certified for not being toxic and absolutely safe.The faux Rizzle formula is not certified although it is safe to use with delicate items.

What is Art Resin?

Art resin, an epoxy resin, is a clear coat designed with a high gloss that is especially used for creative art projects. This chemical is exclusively engineered to get the most efficient and non-yellowing protection in the market.

The formula is certified for its safety issues and is totally non-toxic in use, and is safe for home use. The art resin is basically made by the artists only for the use of artists.

It was majorly engineered to meet the need of two creative priorities, which are- to give clarity that stays for a longer period and to give protection that is superior against UV rays and their yellowing.

The other one is to protect the health of the artists and their safety measures, as the resin is made with non-toxic chemicals and is highly safe for in-house use.

art resin

What is Faux Rizzle?

Faux Rizzle is epoxy and is actually made up by the countertop epoxy company/brand the best quality of Rizzle is that once it is cured, it is very safe for having contact with delicate items like food, furniture, etc.

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It is highly heat resistant and has more UV protection than any other standard epoxy resin. Although, the UV does not mean that it is cured with UV. It is basically used for the purpose of enhancing and brightens-up the colors and preserving them.

As mentioned above, the UV does not mean that it is cured by the UV. It just says that it is more resistant to UV and heat than the other standard resins. So this epoxy is majorly used for projects that are more open to sunlight and heat or for objects that are going to come under direct contact with heat.

faux rizzle

Main Differences Between Art Resin and Faux Rizzle

  1. The main difference between art resin and faux Rizzle is that faux Rizzle is more resistant to UV and heat in the sunlight, while any other standard resin is not resistant to heat that much.
  2. Faux Rizzle is not just a standard resin. It has special features, while art resin is a standard resin.
  3. Art resin is specially engineered to protect against the art’s yellowing, while faux Rizzle protects from the heat and the UV rays from the sunlight.
  4. Faux Rizzle, once cured, is very safe with delicate items like food, while there is no such benefit in the art resin.
  5. The art resin is a formula that is certified for not being toxic and absolutely safe, while the faux Rizzle formula is not certified, although it is safe to use with delicate items.

Last Updated : 07 July, 2023

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21 thoughts on “Art Resin vs Faux Rizzle: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The focus on safety, certification, and UV protection is crucial in understanding the differences between the two epoxy resins. Thanks for the detailed write-up.

  2. In-depth information about these epoxy resins is greatly illuminating and beneficial for artists and individuals working with art projects.


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