Blue Light Glasses vs Night Mode: Difference and Comparison

The era of digitalization has led to the excessive use of mobile phones, laptops, PC, and some other digital devices. Thus the excessive use of these digital devices has made almost everyone exposed to the tremendous amount of blue light.

The Blue light exposure has caused eye strains, migraines, sleeplessness, stress, and many other things.  

Key Takeaways

  1. Blue light glasses filter out blue light from screens, while Night Mode reduces the amount of blue light emitted by devices.
  2. Blue light glasses can be worn throughout the day, while Night Mode is used at night before bedtime.
  3. Blue Light Glasses and Night Mode are designed to reduce eye strain and improve sleep quality.

Blue Light Glasses vs Night Mode

Blue light glasses have lenses that filter out blue light from electronic screens, helping to reduce eye strain, headaches, and sleep disruptions. Night mode is a feature that is built into electronic devices and can be activated at night or in low-light conditions.

Blue Light Glasses vs Night Mode

Blue Light Glasses are meant for the blocking of blue light emitted by digital devices. The glasses claim to protect the eyes from blue light or glare and reduce the eye strain caused by it. It is recommended to use blue light glasses 2 to 3 hours before sleep.

Night mode is a setting available in newly launched digital devices like PC, laptops, mobile phones, and many others, which changes the white background or the light mode into the dark or black mode. The other names used for referring to night mode are – black mode, dark theme, dark mode, and light on dark mode.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonBlue Light GlassesNight Mode
What it is?Glasses which are specially designed for blocking blue lights emitted by the digital devicesIt is a type of display setting that changes the light screen mode to the dark or black screen
Filter It filters almost 100% of the blue and green light ranging between 400 nm to 550nmThere is no such study about the amount of light filtered
Time of Use 2 to 3 hours before useIt can be used manually
Color Red or OrangeIt changed the color to a warmer contrast
PurposeIt helps in improving sleepHelps in reducing the eye strain
Recommended ForThe individuals who are exposed to LED lightsTo every individual using PC, laptop, mobile phones, etc.

What is Blue Light Glasses?

Blue Light Glasses are specially designed glasses for blocking the blue light coming out of all digital devices such as – laptops, PC, desktops, mobile phones, and others. These glasses claim to filter harmful light almost about 100% into blue and green light, which ranges between 400 nm to 550 nm.

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The main purpose of launching these blue light glasses was to reduce the effect of blue-violet light on the eyes as the increasing exposure to the screen has caused many eye problems, which is why the blue light glasses are used to protect the eyes as they get dry up because of the prolonged use of digital devices.

Doctors have recommended that the blue light glasses must be used before 2 to 3 hours before going to bed. The color of the blue light glasses is orange or red. Also, they are recommended for individuals who work majorly on digital devices.

blue light glasses

What is Night Mode?

Night mode is a feature provided by many companies in their software, products, and in-built apps. It is a kind of display setting for user interfaces. In the light mode, the usual text is shown against the white background, while in the night mode, the text is shown against the white or grey background.

The other names for the night mode are – dark mode, light on dark mode, dark theme, dark theme, and black mode. The basic or simple idea behind the night mode is to reduce the emission of blue light from digital devices. It maintains the minimum contrast of the color of the screen.

Using the night mode feature in digital devices reduces the exposure to blue light on the eyes, helps in reducing the strain on the eyes and helps in extending the battery percentage.   

night mode

Main Differences Between Blue Light Glasses and Night Mode

  1. Blue light glasses are the new technology glasses specially made or designed for blocking the blue light coming from digital devices, while on the other hand, night mode is a setting provided by the company or in-app to change the light or white background to the dark or in black mode. 
  2. The studies have claimed that blue light glasses filter almost 100% of the blue light into blue and green light in the range between 400 nm to 550 nm, while no such study has been done on the filtration amount of blue light after using night mode.
  3. The study performed on the use of blue light glasses has recommended using it before 2 to 3 hours before going to bed, while on the other hand, the night mode is a setting in a digital device that can be operated manually at any time. 
  4. The color of the blue light glasses is red or orange, while the color of the screen, after activating the night mode, becomes warmer towards the yellow color tint.
  5. The purpose of using blue light glasses is to help in sleeping better, while comparatively, the might mode in digital devices is used to protect against strain on the eyes. 
  6. Blue light glasses are recommended for individuals working hours on digital devices and have much exposure to blue light while night mode can be used by anyone using digital devices and somewhat helps in protecting strains on eyes. 
Difference Between Blue Light Glasses and Night Mode


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Last Updated : 13 July, 2023

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21 thoughts on “Blue Light Glasses vs Night Mode: Difference and Comparison”

  1. This article provides detailed information about the impact of blue light on digital devices and the best ways to protect our eyes from it. It’s important to be aware of these potential health issues when using electronic screens for extended periods of time.

    • I agree, Tom. It’s crucial for everyone, especially those who spend long hours in front of screens, to know about blue light exposure and its effects on health.

    • Absolutely, Tom. The comparison between blue light glasses and night mode is particularly enlightening. It’s great to have practical solutions to reduce the negative impact of blue light on our eyes.

  2. The article delivers thorough insights into the purpose and efficacy of blue light glasses and night mode, providing readers with valuable knowledge to protect their eyes from excessive blue light. This knowledge is essential for those who are frequently exposed to digital devices.

    • I share the same perspective, Smatthews. Educating users about the benefits and appropriate usage of blue light glasses and night mode is critical in promoting responsible screen habits and eye health.

  3. The detailed explanation of the differences and benefits of blue light glasses and night mode is crucial information for anyone who spends significant time in front of digital screens. This knowledge enables users to prioritize their eye health and well-being.

    • I couldn’t agree more, Henry. The comparison table provides a comprehensive overview of the characteristics and advantages of both blue light glasses and night mode, aiding users in making well-informed choices.

    • Absolutely, Henry. Understanding the impact of blue light from digital devices and the protective measures available allows individuals to take proactive steps in safeguarding their eyesight.

  4. The comparison of blue light glasses and night mode equips readers with detailed knowledge to make informed decisions about mitigating the harmful effects of blue light from digital screens. It emphasizes the significance of prioritizing eye health in today’s digital era.

    • I’m in total agreement, Kimberly. The article’s emphasis on the purpose and recommended usage of blue light glasses and night mode encourages responsible screen usage and eye protection.

    • Absolutely, Kimberly. The comparison table serves as an excellent reference to understand the distinctive features and advantages of blue light glasses and night mode, fostering greater awareness of eye care among readers.

  5. The clear explanation of blue light glasses and night mode provides valuable insights into how we can minimize the negative effects of excessive screen time on our health. This information is essential for anyone who uses digital devices regularly.

    • I couldn’t agree more, Sarah. Knowing the potential health risks associated with blue light exposure motivates users to consider protective measures such as blue light glasses and night mode.

  6. The article offers a comprehensive understanding of blue light glasses and night mode, shedding light on the importance of minimizing blue light exposure from electronic devices. Such knowledge is invaluable for individuals seeking to protect their eyes effectively.

  7. The detailed description of blue light glasses and night mode effectively highlights the significance of mitigating blue light exposure from digital screens. This content is particularly informative for individuals who rely heavily on electronic devices for various purposes.

  8. The detailed comparison of blue light glasses and night mode is very helpful in understanding the different ways to reduce blue light exposure from digital screens. The article effectively explains the purpose and benefits of both solutions.

    • I completely agree, Philip. Understanding the specific benefits of blue light glasses and night mode helps users make informed choices to protect their eyes and overall health while using electronic devices.

  9. The article does an excellent job of presenting the key takeaways and comparison between blue light glasses and night mode. It demonstrates how technology can be leveraged to mitigate the impact of blue light on our eyes and well-being.

    • I share the same view, Sally. The clarity and depth of information regarding the purpose and usage of blue light glasses and night mode empower users to make informed decisions for their eye health.

  10. The comprehensive comparison between blue light glasses and night mode is an excellent resource for individuals seeking to understand and address the impact of blue light from digital devices. This detailed information empowers readers to make informed choices regarding their eye health.

    • Absolutely, Qjones. The article’s in-depth analysis of the protective measures offered by blue light glasses and night mode helps users prioritize their eye well-being while utilizing electronic screens.


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