Canon Eos 1 Dx vs Eos 6d: Difference and Comparison

We live in a generation that fantasizes about clicking pictures of themselves. Some people have fancy for cameras, clicking pictures of nature, and some have photography as a profession.

Canon also launched ‘Canon Eos 1 Dx and Eos 6d’ to meet the needs of the people.  

Key Takeaways

  1. The Canon EOS 1Dx is a professional-grade camera with advanced features, while the EOS 6D is an entry-level full-frame camera.
  2. The EOS 1Dx has a higher burst shooting rate and a more advanced autofocus system than the EOS 6D.
  3. The EOS 6D is more affordable and weightier than the EOS 1Dx, making it more accessible to amateur photographers.

Canon Eos 1 Dx vs Eos 6d  

The EOS-1D X is a high-end professional camera, while the EOS 6D is a mid-range camera designed for enthusiasts and hobbyists. The EOS-1D X is designed ruggedly for sports, action, and wildlife photography, while the EOS 6D is designed for landscape, portrait, and low-light photography.

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Canon Eos 1 Dx is a camera that was announced by Canon in the year 2011. The camera was launched with many advanced features to compete with various professional cameras in the market.

The camera consist/s of more focus points which make the clicked pictures look more professional. It was a competitive camera for the competitors in the market.  

Canon Eos 6d is a camera that was announced by Canon in the market in the year 2012.

Canon Eos 6d is considered a more professional camera because it consists of a larger number of megapixels which indicates more clarity in the pictures.

A clearer and professional-looking picture are what people ask for these days.  

Comparison Table

Parameters of Comparison Canon Eos 1 Dx  Canon Eos 6d  
Announcement Eos 1 Dx was announced in the year 2011. Eos 6d was announced in the year 2012. 
Water Resistance Eos 1 Dx is water-resistant. Eos 6d is not water-resistant. 
GPS Eos 1 Dx has a GPS facility. Eos does not have a GPS facility. 
Pixel Density Lesser Higher 
Wi-Fi Support Doesn’t allow Wi-Fi support. Allows Wi-Fi support 

What is Canon EOS 1 Dx?  

Canon Eos 1 Dx is a high-standard camera which by launched by canon in the year 2011. The camera was launched with many unique features to occupy a place in the competitive market of high-quality cameras.

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Everyone today looks for a camera with advanced features which captures a perfect click for them.  

It has many features which make the camera unique. Canon Eos 1 Dx has a water and dust resistance capacity inbuilt in itself.

The camera is dustproof and waterproof, attracting a large number of consumers because everyone requires a sense of safety for the electronic devices they purchase.  

Eos 1 Dx comprises more focus points which make the clicked pictures look more elegant and clearer. It has an autofocus feature at high resolution, which makes it easier for the photographer to click pictures.

It also has a video autofocus of 14 fps inbuilt in itself.  

The light sensitivity is lesser in the camera. Eos 1Dx faces a lower level of shutter lag comparative to other cameras.

It has one more advanced feature, which is the GPS facility which is a feature of security and makes it easier for the owner to locate the camera if lost.  

Eos 1 Dx has a larger screen display which is of a length of 3.2 inches given the owner a broader outer look. The outer look of the camera is very decent, which attracts consumers to buy it.  

What is Canon EOS 6D?  

Canon Eos 6d is a camera that was launched by Canon in the year 2012. It is a competitive camera in the market providing various features to the consumers.

The camera is quite in demand for the features it provides to the consumers.  

Canon Eos 6 D comprises a higher number of megapixels. The higher number of megapixels leads to a clearer and excellent quality picture.

A clearer and a good quality picture are what we demand from a camera nowadays.  

Eos 6D has a feature that if a clicked photo gets blurred due to any reason like shaking of the camera, one can minimize the photo to a smaller size to improve the pixels of the photo.

The camera is also suitable for cinematic photoshoots and videography because it comprises a 24-p cinema mode feature inbuilt in itself.  

The camera also has some advanced features. It provides the consumer with the feature of ‘flip out screen’, which is useful in taking critical shots.

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It is preferred by people who have photography as a profession. The camera is lighter in weight and is convenient to carry.  

Eos 6D has a Wi-Fi feature for the consumers so that they can connect the internet to the camera and upload their pictures and have access to the internet for other uses as well. It provides the feature of a microphone too.

These features attract the generation of today’s time.  

The shutter speed in canon Eos 6D is manual, and autofocus while clicking a picture is available in the camera. The screen of the camera is sensitive.

It consists of branded lenses that lead to professional photography.  

canon eos 6d

Main Differences Between Canon Eos 1 Dx and Eos 6D 

  1. Canon Eos 1 Dx was launched in 2011, whereas Canon Eos 6d was launched in 2012.  
  2. Canon Eos 1 Dx has a water resistance capacity, whereas Canon Eos 6D does not have a water resistance capacity.  
  3. Canon Eos 1 Dx has GPS inbuilt in the camera, whereas Canon Eos 6D does not have a GPS facility.  
  4. Canon Eos 1 Dx has a lesser pixel density, whereas Canon Eos 6D has a higher pixel density.  
  5. Canon Eos 1 Dx does not provide a Wi-Fi facility in the camera, whereas Canon Eos 6D provides a Wi-Fi facility in the camera.  
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Last Updated : 13 July, 2023

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6 thoughts on “Canon Eos 1 Dx vs Eos 6d: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The burst shooting rate and advanced autofocus system of the Canon EOS 1Dx make it a high-end professional camera, perfect for sports and wildlife photography.

  2. Canon Eos 6D is in demand for the features it provides and also it provides a clearer and excellent quality picture.

  3. Canon Eos 6D has some advanced features, like the ‘flip-out screen’, that attract professionals. I think the era of taking pictures of ourselves is changing.

  4. I think Canon Eos 6D is the most professional camera, because it consists of a larger number of megapixels and it has a Wi-Fi support.


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