Harvest vs Yield: Difference and Comparison

The terms ‘harvest’ and ‘yield’ have many similarities. They are related to farming and are used interchangeably. Moreover, each of them can be used as a noun and a verb.

However, they have several differences between them as well. Knowing these distinguishing factors is important for the sake of accuracy.

Key Takeaways

  1. Harvest refers to gathering mature crops from the fields, while yield measures the amount of a crop produced per unit area.
  2. Harvest depends on various factors such as weather, pests, and agricultural practices, while factors like soil quality, crop variety, and farming techniques influence yield.
  3. High yield indicates agricultural productivity, while an efficient harvest process ensures minimal crop loss.

Harvest vs Yield

Harvest is the process of gathering crops from the fields and transporting them to storage or processing facilities for further use. Yield is an important metric used to determine the productivity of a farm or field, influenced by a variety of factors such as weather, soil fertility, crop management practices, and genetics.

Harvest vs Yield

However, on delving into the specifications, harvest can also be used in noun form. In such a case, it refers to the type and amount of crop that has been cut.

However, it has the context of time attached to it. It is only called ‘harvest’ when it happens during a particular season every year.

Meanwhile, yield can be used as a verb as well. In such a case, it refers to the act of producing something. However, its meaning is not just limited to farming.

The verb can be used to refer to any kind of profit that has been generated through an activity.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonHarvestYield
VerbIt refers to the act of gathering crops.It refers to the act of producing something.
NounIt refers to the type and amount of crop reaped.It refers to the amount of produce.
TimeIt is used when the crops are reaped during a particular season.It can be used without the factor of seasons.
UsageIt is used in the context of farming.Its usage is not limited to farming.
Alternate MeaningIt does not have any alternate meaning.It can refer to the act of surrendering.

What is Harvest?

Harvest is a term extensively used in farming. It can be used as a verb and a noun. In verb form, it refers to the act of gathering crops when they have grown to their full capacity and are ready for consumption.

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An example of this in a sentence is,

‘The villagers thought that it was the right time to harvest the wheat’.

In noun form, it refers to the type and amount of crop that has been reaped. An example of this in a sentence is,

‘The farmers living in the countryside generated huge profits from the wheat harvest this year’.

However, it must be noted that the word is only used in the context of farming. It has no alternate meanings. Moreover, it is used when one type of crop is ready at the end of a season.

Many people even use it to mark the cycle of crop growth and production throughout the years.

Regardless, the term was derived from ‘haerf-est’ which is an old English word meaning ‘autumn’. This was the month when crops were reaped on an annual basis in that area.

Then, it referred to the act of cutting, gathering, and storing crops.


What is Yield?

Yield has a similar meaning to harvest. However, it is not just limited to farming. In its verb form, it refers to the act of producing any kind of goods. An example of this in a sentence is,

‘The hard work that we put into the project is beginning to yield fruitful results.’

In its noun form, it refers to the amount of goods that have been produced. An example of this in a sentence is,

‘The yield from the investment is much higher this year as compared to the previous year.’

Unlike the term ‘harvest’, ‘yield’ does not have the connotation of a particular time or cycle. It can be used at any point in time. However, it does have an alternate meaning.

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The term can also refer to the act of surrendering to the other. An example of this in a sentence is,

‘The lost soldiers yielded to the enemies since they couldn’t survive in hiding any longer.’

‘I refused to yield to the enemies.’

In this case, it refers to the act of giving up control and power and submitting to someone else. It can be compared with the word ‘surrender’ which essentially has a similar meaning.


Main Differences Between Harvest and Yield

  1. In the verb form, harvest refers to the act of gathering crops whereas yield refers to the act of producing something.
  2. In the noun form, harvest refers to the type and amount of crop reaped whereas yield refers to the amount of produce.
  3. Harvest is used when the crops are reaped during a particular season whereas yield can be used without the factor of seasons.
  4. Harvest is only used with the context of farming whereas yield is not limited to farming.
  5. Harvest does not have any alternate meaning whereas yield can refer to the act of surrendering.
Difference Between Harvest and Yield
  1. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0961953496000414
  2. https://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/asprs/pers/2003/00000069/00000006/art00005

Last Updated : 13 July, 2023

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