Pump vs Compressor: Difference and Comparison

A compressor or a pump is required at the time of movement of the hydraulic fluid through a specific system. Although both pump and compressed are made to achieve the goal of moving the hydraulic fluid, their operating methods differ.

However, compressors are responsible for the movement of gases, as only gases can be compressed. In the case of both pumps and compressors, the pressure rises high.

Key Takeaways

  1. A pump is used to transfer liquids from one place to another, while a compressor is used to compress gases.
  2. Pumps move fluids at a lower pressure, while compressors increase gas pressure to a higher level.
  3. Pumps are used to transport water, oil, or other liquids, while compressors are used in HVAC systems or pneumatic power tools.

Pump vs Compressor

A pump is a type of machine that is responsible for the movement of a fluid from one area to another. Fluid, in this case, can be either liquid or gas.

Pump vs Compressor

Pumps are used for the movement of fluids from one area to another at any height. Their primary purpose is transporting liquids like oil, water, etc.

Compressors are used to increase the fluid’s potential energy, density and pressure. Here, the pressure of the liquid is increased by the compression process.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonPumpCompressor
UsePumps move fluids from one area to another at any height.Compressors are used to increase the fluid’s potential energy, density and pressure.
WayThe pressure is increased by moving on to a higher height.The process of compression increases the pressure of the fluid.
VolumeVolume remains constant from the inlet to the outlet of the pump.In the case of a compressor, the volume keeps changing from the inlet to the outlet.
PurposeIts primary purpose is transporting liquids like oil, water, etc.Its primary purpose is the transportation of gases.
PressureThere are fifty perfect chances of change/unchanged of pressure.There is a hundred per cent chance of a change of pressure.
EnergyThe pumps mainly increase the power of the incompressible fluid.The energy of the compressible fluid is increased mainly by the compressors.
Storage CapacityPumps do not have storage capacity.Compressors have storage capacity.
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What is Pump?

A device that possesses the potential to move fluids and slurries produced by mechanical action into hydraulic energy. The fluids are converted from electrical power.

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Various energy sources, such as engines, wind power, electricity, and manual operation, can be used in the operation process of the pumps. Pumps are available in the market in many sizes.

There is another type of pump available, mechanical pumps. Mechanical pumps can be used extensively for various purposes, such as aquarium filtering, aeration, pumping water (from Wells), and pond filtering.


What is a Compressor?

A compressor is a mechanical device that can potentially elevate the pressure of the fluid, especially gas, by lowering its volume. There are various types of gas compressors, a specific example of which is an air compressor.

However, some can be compressed some can not. Like, liquids can not be compressed. Compressors work stage-wise.

Compressors are of three general types. They are centrifugal, positive displacement and axial.


Main Differences Between Pump and Compressor

  1. Pumps move fluids from one area to another at any height. At the same time, compressors are used to increase the fluid’s potential energy, density and pressure.
  2. In the case of the pump, the pressure is increased by moving on to a higher height, whereas, in the case of a compressor, the fluid pressure is increased by compression.
  3. Volume remains constant from the inlet to the outlet of the pump. However, in the case of a compressor, the book keeps changing from the channel to the outlet.
  4. The pump primarily transports liquids like oil, water, etc. At the same time, a compressor’s primary purpose is the transportation of gases.
  5. A pump has fifty perfect chances of change/ unchanged pressure. But in the compressor, there is a hundred per cent chance of a pressure change.
  6. The energy of the incompressible fluid is increased mainly by the pumps. In comparison, the energy of the compressible fluid is increased chiefly by the compressors.
  7. Pumps do not have storage capacity. But compressors possess storage capacity.
Difference Between Pump and Compressor
  1. https://www.scientific.net/AMM.630.397
  2. https://asmedigitalcollection.asme.org/IPC/proceedings-abstract/IPC1996/885/265895
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About Author

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.