Sleep vs Hibernate: Difference and Comparison

Microsoft provides various options to consume less power for its systems. Microsoft provides three options to reduce power consumption without shutting down your system.

Sleep, hibernate, and hybrid sleep are the options given by Microsoft. It is vital to give some breaks to your system to make it have better battery life and performance.

The computer remains where you are left to sleep and hibernate.

Key Takeaways

  1. Sleep mode is a power-saving state in which the computer stays on, but all running programs and open files are saved to RAM, whereas hibernate mode saves everything in the hard drive and then shuts down the computer.
  2. When you wake your computer from sleep mode, it resumes faster than hibernate mode because the data is still in RAM. But it takes more time to start up in hibernate mode because it has to read the data from the hard drive.
  3. Sleep mode consumes more power than hibernate mode, but hibernate method saves more power as it shuts down the computer completely.

Sleep vs Hibernate

The difference between sleep and hibernate is their power consumption. The Sleep uses some amount of power to store the documents and files in RAM. Hibernate consumes no energy, and it saves on the hard disk. Sleep takes some time to open again compared to hibernate, which takes less time to open the windows. They store data in different places, which makes a difference in consuming power. Sleep is an option that consumes very little power.

Sleep vs Hibernate

The sleep stores the documents and files where you left them in the RAM using very little power. Power charging is more harmful to a sleeping computer.

The inactive computer produces more heat than the machine in complete shutdown. Sleep is the primary option for both the systems and laptops.

The sleep mode is the pausing state of the system. The sleep mode cuts the power to unwanted applications.

Most laptops go to sleep by default when the system is closed without shutdown.

Hibernate is another provided by Microsoft. It consumes less power when compared to sleep.

Hibernate does the same as sleep, but it stores in a hard disk which uses no energy. The hibernate is nothing but a trade-off between the hard disk and power consumption performance.

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It shows a negative impact on computers having solid-state drives (SSD). In simple, Hibernate compresses and stores data on the hard disk.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonSleepHibernate
Energy consumptionSleep consumes some amount of powerHibernate consumes no energy.
Windows open timeSleep takes less time compares to hibernateHibernate takes more time compares to sleep.
ResumptionSleep is instantaneousHibernate is slow
FunctionSave In RAMsave in hard disk
Risk of data lossSleep has more risk in data lossHibernate has lees risk in data loss

What is Sleep?

Sleep is an option provided to open the windows again where you left off. By pressing the Windows key, X, followed by U and S, make your PC go to sleep.

Directly choose the Windows icon and press the sleep option to go to sleep in Windows. The Alt and f4 are closing the current running window application.

The sleep mode is the suspended mode of RAM. When the lid is closed, the laptop runs on batteries. It automatically goes to sleep mode.

In 1621 IEEE implemented the symbol for sleep mode.

If your system runs many applications in backgrounds, it takes more time to go to sleep which causes damage to the RAM. The machine goes to sleep by default when you close the laptop.

It is easy to open the sleeping system than the shut downed machine. Pressing any keys will open the computer from sleep mode.

Your keyboard and mouse will not permit you to open the system in sleep mode in some options.

Sometimes hardware failure is one possible reason for the machine won’t open after sleeping mode. If you’re not going to use your laptop in 10 minutes break, it advises you to shut down the system.

The forced shutdown affects the solid-state drive of the system. The system attains more strain when you put the machine to sleep for more time.

The sleeping mode makes changes in operating systems. The standing-by and suspension are the other names for sleeping mode.

What is Hibernate?

Hibernate is an option to choose to open your windows without consuming energy. The hyberlib is the root file where the operating system installs.

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Unlike sleep, the hibernate is to save your documents and files on a hard disk. Hibernation implementes in 1992. The Compaq Computer Corporation has a patent for hibernation.

If all the device drivers are, ACPI can allow hibernation. From the command line or start menu, you can invoke the hibernation.

If you hibernate your system, it boots from the last saved application on the hard disk. It consumes no energy.

It helps to memorise all the documents on a hard disk and take a break. It can open from where you left off.

It affects the system with a solid-state drive. The hibernate compress and stores the data on the hard disk.

The system powered down like it shut down after hibernation.

It is non-volatile storage. Hibernation uses in laptops that use limited memory.

The mobile hardware by Google and Apple won’t support hibernation. In the Apple operating system, hibernation calls by the mane safe sleep.

Like shutdown, the hibernation consumes the standby power. Unlike inactive, hibernation has no risk of unplugging the power.

BIOS handles the hibernation in early implementation. Modern technologies can control the hibernation themselves.

Main Differences Between Sleep and Hibernate

  1. Sleep consumes some amount of power, and the hibernate consumes no energy.
  2. Sleep takes less time when compared to hibernate, and hibernate takes more time when compared to sleep.
  3. Sleep is instantaneous, and a computer hibernates slowly.
  4. The sleep saves documents in RAM, and the hibernate records documents on the hard disk.
  5. Sleep has more chance of data loss, and hibernate has less risk of data loss.
Difference Between Sleep and Hibernate

Last Updated : 16 August, 2023

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20 thoughts on “Sleep vs Hibernate: Difference and Comparison”

  1. This was an interesting comparison between sleep and hibernate. However, I personally haven’t had any issues with sleep mode and will continue using it.

    • That’s totally fair! Not everyone will have the same experiences with these modes. It’s great to get different perspectives on this topic.

  2. This is an amazing post! I love how it goes in-depth about the different power-saving options provided by Microsoft. I had no idea hibernate mode consumes no energy. Thanks for sharing!

    • Fascinating read! Such an interesting breakdown of the differences between sleep and hibernate mode. I learned a lot from this post.

    • I agree, very informative. However, I personally use sleep mode more because I find it more convenient. Different options work for different people. I love the comparison table!

  3. This is an interesting take on the power-saving options. I appreciate the detailed explanations and comparisons provided in the post.

  4. The nuances of energy consumption and recovery times are quite intriguing. I appreciate the clear explanations provided in this post.

    • Definitely! The details on power consumption were enlightening. It’s great to understand the impact of these modes on the system.

  5. I’m a bit skeptical about the risk of data loss in sleep mode. I’ve been using it for years without encountering any issues. I assume the risk is quite small.

    • That’s a valid point! I’ve also been using sleep mode without any problems. I suppose it’s one of those ‘what works for you’ situations.

  6. This post was incredibly detailed and helpful in comparing the two modes. I appreciate the efforts to lay out the differences clearly.

    • I couldn’t agree more! Understanding these small nuances in power consumption makes a big difference in the long run.

    • Agreed! It’s refreshing to read a comprehensive breakdown like this. It’s definitely made me rethink my power-saving habits.


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