Tata Swach vs Pureit: Difference and Comparison

There are many pollutants mixed with normal water sources that need to be removed but there are also minerals in water that need to be left in because the human body needs them.

Tata Swach and Pureit are ranges of water purifiers developed for making water potable.

Key Takeaways

  1. Tata Swach uses silver nanotechnology for purification; Pureit employs multi-stage purification processes.
  2. Tata Swach is more affordable and has a longer filter life; Pureit offers a wider range of models.
  3. Tata Swach requires no electricity; some Pureit models need electricity for operation.

Tata Swach vs Pureit

The difference between Tata Swach and Pureit is that Tata Swach is a water purifier lineup by Tata Chemicals, whereas Pureit is a water purifier developed by Hindustan Unilever Ltd. The Tata Swach is a more cost-effective option than the Pureit, and lighter and more compact than the Pureit.

Tata Swach vs Pureit

The Tata Swach is a water purifier developed by Tata Chemicals in 2004 to aid tsunami-affected areas in getting potable water. It introduced revolutionary technology using Rice Husk Ash and nano particles to purify water.

The first cleaner under this series is named Sujal. Tata Swach uses nanotechnology as its primary focus.

Pureit became a national company by Hindustan Unilever Ltd in 2008. Pureit uses cartridges that purify water as it is predominantly a tabletop range of cleaners.

Pureit markets its purifiers as so pure that they are safer than boiled water. It has one of the most significant shares in the water purifier market.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonTata SwachPureit
CapacityThe storage tank on the Pureit water purifier can hold 23 litres of water.It can purify water at the rate of 4 litres per hour.
Time TakenIt purifies water at a speed of 3 litres per hour.A single cartridge of the Tata Swach can purify 3000 litres of water.
Cartridge LifeA single cartridge of the Pureit can purify 2250 litres of water.A single cartridge of the Pureit can purify 2250 liters of water.
DimensionsIts dimensions are 240 x 320 x 310 (mm).The dimensions of the Pureit are 520 x 280 x 320 (mm).
TechnologyIt uses nanotechnology for the removal of bacteria and viruses.It uses a microfiber mesh and a compact carbon trap to purify water.

What is Tata Swach?

Tata Swach is a water purifier range made by Tata Chemicals. It is the second most popular water purifier range in the market.

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Tata Swach employs Rice Husk Ash imbued with silver particles to purify water. RHA is manufactured by heating rice husk, containing activated silica and carbon.

The Silver prevents bacterial growth, and this process is elevated by the surface area provided by the tiny silver particles for the bacteria to have more room to react with Silver.

The Tata Swach water purifier has three segments.

The first reservoir in the Tata Swach contains the untreated water, and then, in the middle segment, is the bulb that stores the cartridge through which water is filtered, and then it is stored in the second reservoir.

A fuse system is employed that alerts consumers regarding the change of cartridges.

Tata Swach is the most cost-efficient water purifier that uses silver technology. Its use of Rice Husk as a filter was a massively innovative move by Tata Chemicals, and it was done in great spirit as it was also used for tsunami survivors.

It revolutionized the markets, taught a large chunk of the population the importance of purifying water, and served as an economical option for them to start using them.

tata swach

What is Pureit?

Pureit is a range of water purifiers by Hindustan Unilever Limited.

Developed in 2004, and it remained in the development and testing phase until 2008, when it was nationalized into a good range of products that over 4.8 million consumers have now adopted.

Pureit has a four-stage process for purifying water. In the first stage, the dirt is removed using a microfiber mesh, and then the cleaner moves on to using a compact carbon trap for parasites & pesticides,

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and then, in the penultimate stage, a germ-killing processor for bacteria & virus removal and a polisher for making the water tasteless and odourless.

Pureit saves water as it is an eco-friendly product and comes in both battery-operated and gravity-operated options.

Pureit has also launched RO water purifiers which are more expensive and reliable.

The Pureit also removes heavy metals and other sediments,, but the natural taste of water remains as it cannot remove salt from water.

Hindustan Unilever is a renowned brand that translated well in its water purifier range because Pureit has sold very well and accumulated a large consumer base.

Pureit has also advanced its technology and uses copper in its recent models.

Main Differences Between Tata Swach and Pureit

  1. The Pureit has a larger storage tank than the Tata Swach, coming in at 23 litres compared to the Tata Swach’s 18 litres.
  2. The Tata Swach uses a more innovative nanotechnology method to purify water, whereas the Pureit uses a more traditional purification technique.
  3. The Tata Swach is faster than the Pureit, and it purifies 4 litres of water per hour as compared to the Pureit’s 3 litres per hour.
  4. The Tata Swach is more popular than Hindustan Unilever’s Pureit, having a much larger market share.
  5. The Tata Swach has a much lower operational cost than the Pureit, coming in at about half the cost for purifying the same volume of water.
  1. https://asmedigitalcollection.asme.org/IDETC-CIE/proceedings-abstract/IDETC-CIE2014/V02AT03A004/255962
  2. https://www.pureitwater.com/SL/downloads/Pureit_HBR_case_study_2011.pdf

Last Updated : 13 July, 2023

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8 thoughts on “Tata Swach vs Pureit: Difference and Comparison”

  1. Both Tata Swach and Pureit offer distinct technology and features. The choice will depend on individual preferences and needs.

  2. The capacity of storage tanks and speed of purification offer a significant advantage for each water purifier system. Important considerations for choosing the best one.

  3. The difference in technology and operational cost between Tata Swach and Pureit is quite substantial. Both seem to have their advantages.

  4. It’s interesting to see the differences in technology and approach between Tata Swach and Pureit water purifiers. Both have important contributions to water purification.

  5. Seems that Tata Swach is an effective water purifier using innovative technology for water purification. Great to know that this technology was developed to aid tsunami-affected areas.

  6. Pureit seems to have a thorough water purification process, ensuring the removal of contaminants and harmful microorganisms. A reliable option.

  7. The Pureit water purifier range by Hindustan Unilever is efficiently designed and caters to a large consumer base indeed.


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