Canon Vixia vs Canon Legria: Difference and Comparison

Canon has been a forerunner in the industry for a long time now. The company has designed and released several devices that exhibit excellent performance and quality.

Out of these, the Canon Vixia and Canon Legria are two series of high-definition camcorders. However, each of them has different capabilities and features.

Key Takeaways

  1. Both are lines of Canon camcorders, but Vixia is marketed in North America, while Legria is sold in Europe, Africa, and Asia-Pacific regions.
  2. Regional compatibilities, such as power supply voltage and video formats, are the primary differences.
  3. Both lines offer similar performance, features, and build quality, with the main distinction being their target markets.

The Canon Vixia vs The Canon Legria

The difference between the Canon Vixia and the Canon Legria is that the Vixia series includes tapeless camcorders that follow the NTSC format, which is a standard in the United States whereas the Legria series includes camcorders that follow the PAL format, which is a standard for Australia, Europe, and several Asian countries.

The Canon Vixia vs The Canon Legria

The Canon Vixia series has a very wide product line, which is one of the reasons for its massive popularity. Especially in the United States, where the NTSC format is common.

NTSC stands for National Television Standards Committee. This is a format that offers more frames per second as compared to the latter.

Meanwhile, the Canon Legria series is more popular outside the United States. These camcorders follow the PAL format, which stands for Phase Altering Line.

This offers a better resolution and picture quality. It even has a massive line amount which further enhances the visuals. However, it offers fewer frames per second.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonThe Canon VixiaThe Canon Legria
FormatIt follows the NTSC format.It follows the PAL format.
ResolutionIt offers a substandard resolution.It offers better resolution and picture quality.
FPSIt offers more frames per second.It offers fewer frames per second.
Internal MemoryIt has a 16 GB flash drive.It has a 64 GB flash drive.
PerformanceIt does not perform well in dim light.It exhibits high performance in dim light.
FeaturesIt does not have many stability features.It has a Dynamic Optical Image feature for stability.
PopularityIt is very popular in the United States.It is popular in Australia, Europe, and many Asian countries.
CostIt is on the cheaper end.It is more expensive.

What is Canon Vixia?

The Canon Vixia is a series of tapeless camcorders that commonly goes by the name ‘HF S’. This series follows the NTSC format which is a standard for devices in the United States.

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However, this kind of format does not perform as well when compared to others. It offers substandard resolution and image quality.

These camcorders offer a considerably substantial FPS count. However, this does not prove to be useful in dim lightings whatsoever.

In such situations, the image quality seems to be not up to the mark. Moreover, it does not have many stability features. So, images and videos appear to be shaky.

Regardless, the company has made several attempts to better the design and performance of this series. It has several models, each being lighter and more compact than its predecessor.

Several models even facilitate the AVCHD format. This stands for Advanced Video Code High Definition. As the name suggests, the resolution offered by this format is better than NTSC.

Another notable feature of the Vixia series camcorders is the dual flash memory. This allows the user to record videos and store them in the internal memory as well as the SDHC card. It also allows flexibility while moving files from one space to the other.


What is Canon Legria?

The Canon Legria series beats Vixia big time in terms of performance, resolution, and even features. It includes lightweight and compact professional camcorders that facilitate excellent mobility.

The devices follow the PAL format which is a common practice in several places outside the United States.

The PAL format allows Legria camcorders to facilitate better image quality, even in dim light. Even though the FPS count is much lower as compared to Vixia, features such as Dynamic Optical Image stability compensate for it.

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This means that the pictures and videos have very few chances of becoming pixelated and shaky. Therefore, the camcorders can be easily used with flexible movement.

Legria camcorders come with dual flash memory as well. They constitute a 64 GB flash drive, which is much more than the 16 GB offered by Vixia.

This enables the camcorders to record up to two hours of high-quality content that turns out to be extremely visually appealing.

Some other features included in this series are still image controls, as well as fast switching between automated and manual controls.

However, these perks are pricier as compared to other Canon devices in this faction. A Legria camcorder may become heavy on the pockets.

canon legria

Main Differences Between Canon Vixia and Canon Legria

  1. The Canon Vixia follows the NTSC format whereas the Canon Legria follows the PAL format.
  2. The Canon Vixia offers substandard resolution whereas the Canon Legria offers better resolution and picture quality.
  3. The Canon Vixia offers more frames per second whereas the Canon Legria offers fewer frames per second.
  4. The Canon Vixia has a 16 GB flash drive whereas the Canon Legria has a 64 GB flash drive.
  5. The Canon Vixia does not perform well in dim light whereas the Canon Legria exhibits high performance in dim light.
  6. The Canon Vixia does not have many stability features whereas the Canon Legria has a Dynamic Optical Image feature for stability.
  7. The Canon Vixia is very popular in the United States whereas the Canon Legria is popular in Australia, Europe, and many Asian countries.
  8. The Canon Vixia is on the cheaper end whereas the Canon Legria is more expensive.

Last Updated : 13 July, 2023

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