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In today’s modern world, technology everything is almost everything online. And a good internet connection is not optional but mandatory.

Different types of networking devices are used for the purpose of enhancing the quality of the network. Wifi Extenders and Wifi Boosters are two of the most popular networking devices.

Key Takeaways

  1. Wi-Fi extenders increase the range of a Wi-Fi network by receiving and retransmitting the signal, while Wi-Fi boosters amplify the existing signal strength.
  2. Wi-Fi extenders can create a separate network with their own SSID, while Wi-Fi boosters work within the original network.
  3. Wi-Fi extenders are more suited for larger areas with multiple dead spots, whereas Wi-Fi boosters work best in smaller spaces with fewer signal obstructions.

Wifi Extender vs Wifi Booster

A Wi-Fi extender is a term used to describe a device that rebroadcasts an already existing Wi-Fi signal to extend the wifi coverage. Wi-Fi booster is a general term that is used to describe different devices or technologies used to enhance Wi-Fi signals, such as antennas or signal amplifiers.

Wifi Extender vs Wifi Booster

A wifi extender is a type of networking device that helps in the extension of the range of the Wifi network. It assists by increasing the signal amplification as and when it drops.

This is a device that is set up between the router and the user’s device. Private organizations popularly use it.

Wifi boosters are types of networking devices that assist in boosting the range of the Wifi network. It assists by extending the network range and making it powerful.

Wifi repeaters and wifi extenders are the two main types. The booster is chosen depending on the space and purpose.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonWifi ExtenderWifi Booster
MeaningNetworking devices help signals reach dead zones.A general or collective term for both WiFi repeaters and WiFi extenders.
RelationWifi Extender is a type of Wifi Booster.Wifi Extender and Wifi Repeaters are types of Wifi Booster.
WorkingIt works by increasing the signal strengths for reaching the destination.It works by extending the wifi network and creating a new wifi network.
PlacementIt is placed between the Wifi router and the user’s device.Wifi repeaters are placed where there’s wifi, and extenders are placed between the router and the user’s device.
UtilizationMostly utilized by large organizations.The utilization depends on the type of organization.
EstablishmentThe procedure for setting up an extender is complex.The procedure for setting up a repeater is easy, and the extender is difficult.
PriceTheir establishment is costly.Repeaters are cheaper than extenders.

What is Wifi Extender?

Wifi Extender refers to a device that is used for increasing the strength and reach of a network signal. As the name suggests, it increases the extent of the wifi.

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This device is established between the wifi router and the user device. This is done with the help of an Ethernet cable or coaxial cable.

This can be used in places where there is completely no signal or a place with too much interference. The interferences can be of different types caused due to different objects.

This is also helpful in a case where there is a big distance between the wifi router or access point and the device.

The device is also helpful in cases where there are multiple networks, devices, and interferences. They help increase the network signal’s strength to reach the destination.

They use the technique of signal amplification. These are mostly purpose-built.

The device helps in better connectivity. It has other characteristics like its drawbacks, compatibility, security attack possibility, and so on.

These networking devices are mostly used by private organizations. The procedure for establishing a wifi extender is very complex. The establishment is not only complex but also costly.


What is Wifi Booster?

A WiFi booster refers to a networking device that helps increase the connectivity of a wifi network. Wifi repeaters and Wifi extenders are the two types of wifi boosters.

These devices boost the signal of the network. The wifi repeater works by connecting the network wirelessly and rebroadcasting it to the original or existing network signal. These work as an antenna.

A new network is created. Example: Network & Network1. While using a wifi repeater, the network bandwidth is also decreased. This will result in the device being slower.

The signal is also affected by thick walls, metal, and electronic objects, which makes it unsuitable for big homes and offices.  

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The wifi extender works by extending the main router’s signal to a different location. This is done with the help of an Ethernet cable or coaxial cable.

This helps the wifi reach places that are dead zones. A wifi extender does not affect the speed of the internet. It is also not affected by thick walls or other electronic objects.

This makes it suitable for offices and big homes. In comparison, it is also more costly. There are certain boosters that can work as both repeaters and extenders.  

wifi booster

Main Differences Between Wifi Extender and Booster

  1. Networking devices helping signals reach dead zones are extenders. A general or collective term for both WiFi repeaters and WiFi extenders.
  2. The wifi Extender is a type of Wifi Booster. Wifi Extender and Wifi Repeaters are types of Wifi Booster.
  3. The extender works by increasing the signal strengths for reaching the destination. The booster works by extending the wifi network and creating a new wifi network.
  4. An extender is placed between the Wifi router and the user’s device. Wifi repeaters are placed where there’s wifi, and extenders are placed between the router and the user’s device.
  5. Large organizations mostly utilize extenders. Boosters are mostly used according to space and purpose.
  6. The procedure for setting up an extender is complex. The procedure for setting up a repeater is easy.
  7. Extenders are costlier than repeaters.
Difference Between Wifi Extender and Booster
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By Sandeep Bhandari

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.