Microsoft Whiteboard vs Mural: Difference and Comparison

The workspace has been revolutionized. Collaboration with the team or group is not only limited to calls but also the availability of digital canvas to brainstorm ideas, dump or scribble all the content and share the same among the team members in real-time.

The two main platforms in the domain of visual collaboration through digital canvas are Microsoft Whiteboard and Mural.

Key Takeaways

  1. Microsoft Whiteboard is an interactive, collaborative digital whiteboard, while Mural is a visual collaboration platform with advanced features.
  2. Microsoft Whiteboard integrates seamlessly with Microsoft Office applications, while Mural offers compatibility with various third-party tools and platforms.
  3. Microsoft Whiteboard provides basic drawing and annotation functions, while Mural supports more sophisticated collaboration options like voting and timers.

Microsoft Whiteboard vs Mural

Microsoft Whiteboard is a free applications software and online service developed by Microsoft Corporation, which stimulates a virtual whiteboard for collaboration between users. The mural is a digital environment software that provides visual collaboration between people working as educators and consultants.

Microsoft Whiteboard vs Mural

Microsoft Whiteboard is a collaborative platform and has integration with Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft Teams, and RELAYTO. It is a digital canvas and supports tools for collaboration and annotation.

It works on most devices but does not support On-Premise deployment of Windows and Linux. It is mainly available in two subscription plan forms.

While Mural has integration with several platforms like Dropbox, Github, Google Calendar, Google Docs, Ideawake,, Jira software, and many more.

It is a digital workspace and can conduct visual collaboration. It is available in various plans the paid version and also a free version with limited functionalities.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonMicrosoft WhiteboardMural
OriginLaunched by Microsoft in September 2018 Launched by the company called Mural in 2011
FeaturesTools for collaboration, sketching, annotation, and diagramming and the board gets saved automatically after the session. Also provides analytics It allows project planning, visual workflow, and idea management. Also provides tools for presentations and several template options
On-Premise Deployment It does not support Windows and Linux On-Premise It supports Windows and Linux On-Premise
TypesIt is available in two types for business subscriptions – Microsoft 365 Business Basic and All Microsoft 365 Enterprise Plan Available in paid and free versions. Students, teachers, and consultants can avail free accounts
Training ProgramsOnly in documentation format Available through live events, webinars, videos, documentation, or even in-person

What is Microsoft Whiteboard?

Microsoft Whiteboard is a digital canvas platform to express and collaborate on new ideas. It can act as a digital dump ground to scribble all ideas and thoughts and even share them with others.

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Though inspired by the physical whiteboard, the digital Microsoft Whiteboard can outrun the physical board with its features.

Microsoft Whiteboard is available for users of Windows, iPhone, and iPad. Apart from the subscribed account, it is also available in a free web version.

Whiteboard can work on any device. It can be used to draw, sketch, type, create shapes, or scribble ideas. It allows various ink tips and color options and even a ruler to draw straight lines.

Microsoft Whiteboard also allows the image to be added to the board, which can act as a reference point or a memory aid. It allows the users to add notes or documents on the board and create versatility.

The features are easy to use and reliable. Special features like Ink Beautification can turn texts into readable formats.

It works in integration with Microsoft Teams. Changes made can be viewed in real-time across teams. It is built to express ideas virtually and visually together. It can work with both touch and non-touch screens.

What is Mural?

The mural is an innovative digital workspace that allows visual collaboration with virtual teams. It breaks the conventional form of video calls and remote meetings.

Through Mural, everyone can participate and not just the host. It is one of the best remote working software tools.

The name “Mural” is inspired by artwork done on a wall. The mural has over 200 existing templates to choose from. It allows users to add shapes, sizes, sticky notes, connectors, roadmaps, diagrams, comments, and several other dimensions.

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It provides special features like a facilitation superpower, which can control timer voting and private mode accessibility to the meetings.

The mural is designed by an HTML5 web application. It supports Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and others. It can work with Windows 10, iOS, Android, or Microsoft Surface Hub. It is also known as “thinking canvas”.

There are several YouTube tutorials, Mural tutoring videos, and a resource guide of IBM to elucidate the working mechanism of Mural.

The mural has full integration with social apps like Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Dropbox, Slack, Jira, and others. The mural is available in various paid plans as well as in the free version.

It also caters to free accounts and services to teachers, students, non-profit organizations, consultants, and legal facilitators.

Main Differences Between Microsoft Whiteboard and Mural

  1. Microsoft Whiteboard is a cloud-based software platform to enable teams to create, edit and share content while Mural is a collaboration software platform to plan, design, analyze and export content and customize workflows.
  2. The feature set and templates available in Microsoft Whiteboard are limited, while Mural provides a wide range of options to the users.
  3. Microsoft Whiteboard automatically saves the board or canvas after the session or meeting is over, while the board has to be saved manually by the users in Mural.
  4. Microsoft Whiteboard is used by companies of various sizes and remote teams, while Mural is used by educators, students, facilitators, and consultants.
  5. Microsoft Whiteboard has limited features and less subscription rate, while Mural has a wide range of features and tools and has higher subscription rates.

Last Updated : 18 August, 2023

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27 thoughts on “Microsoft Whiteboard vs Mural: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The comprehensive analysis of Microsoft Whiteboard and Mural delineates their respective functionalities and integration capabilities, providing a beneficial resource for users navigating visual collaboration platforms.

    • The detailed comparison of Microsoft Whiteboard and Mural underscores their specialized offerings and integrations, guiding users to make informed decisions about their collaborative tools.

    • The detailed insights into Microsoft Whiteboard and Mural showcase their unique features and usability, assisting users in selecting the most suitable platform for their collaborative endeavors.

  2. The detailed overview of Microsoft Whiteboard and Mural offers a comprehensive understanding of their functions and capabilities, enabling users to leverage these platforms for effective visual collaboration.

    • The comparison table outlines the strengths and differences between Microsoft Whiteboard and Mural, making it easier for users to assess which platform aligns with their collaboration requirements.

    • The article provides a valuable analysis of Microsoft Whiteboard and Mural, shedding light on their distinct features and integration capabilities for visual collaboration.

  3. Microsoft Whiteboard and Mural offer different functions for visual collaboration. While Microsoft Whiteboard is integrated with Microsoft applications and is a free service, Mural is compatible with third-party tools and offers both a paid and free version.

    • The comparison table provided is very informative. It clearly shows the differences between Microsoft Whiteboard and Mural, making it easier to understand their functionalities and features.

    • The digital workspace has changed the way we collaborate with our teams. Microsoft Whiteboard and Mural are both platforms that enable real-time virtual collaboration and idea sharing.

  4. The comparison of Microsoft Whiteboard and Mural in terms of their features, integrations, and functionalities is quite thorough, providing a clear understanding of their differences and benefits.

    • This article effectively highlights the key takeaways and differences between Microsoft Whiteboard and Mural. It’s very insightful and useful for those seeking a visual collaboration platform.

    • The detailed comparison table presents a comprehensive overview of the differences between Microsoft Whiteboard and Mural, allowing for an informed decision regarding their use.

  5. The intricacies of Microsoft Whiteboard and Mural are thoroughly explored in this article, presenting a nuanced understanding of their collaborative tools and integrations for users’ benefit.

    • The detailed examination of Microsoft Whiteboard and Mural brings attention to their refined features and integrations, empowering users to make informed decisions about their collaborative platforms.

    • The comparison of Microsoft Whiteboard and Mural is insightful, rendering clarity on their distinct capabilities and integrations, which is valuable for users seeking enhanced collaborative experiences.

  6. The detailed description of Microsoft Whiteboard and Mural, along with their comparison, provides valuable insights for individuals and teams looking to enhance their visual collaboration capabilities.

    • I appreciate the thorough analysis of the key features and differences between Microsoft Whiteboard and Mural. It’s a helpful guide for determining the most suitable collaboration platform.

  7. The analysis of Microsoft Whiteboard and Mural’s features and capabilities equips users with valuable knowledge to optimize their visual collaboration experiences. Both platforms offer distinct advantages for users.

    • The detailed comparison between Microsoft Whiteboard and Mural elucidates their functionalities and integrations, providing clarity for users who seek a suitable visual collaboration platform.

    • This article serves as a comprehensive guide to understanding the unique features and offerings of Microsoft Whiteboard and Mural, enabling users to harness these platforms effectively.

  8. The availability of platforms like Microsoft Whiteboard and Mural has transformed the way teams collaborate and share ideas. Their unique features cater to different aspects of visual collaboration.

    • I find the emphasis on the distinct functionalities of Microsoft Whiteboard and Mural very enlightening. It highlights the benefits and capabilities of each platform effectively.

    • The detailed comparison of Microsoft Whiteboard and Mural brings attention to their specific features and compatibility, helping individuals and teams make informed decisions.

  9. The in-depth comparison of Microsoft Whiteboard and Mural showcases their unique offerings and functionalities, allowing users to select the most suitable platform for their collaborative needs.

    • The insights provided on Microsoft Whiteboard and Mural reveal their diverse features and integration possibilities, empowering users to make informed decisions about their collaborative tools.

  10. The availability of platforms like Microsoft Whiteboard and Mural has made virtual collaboration and brainstorming more efficient and effective for teams.

    • I agree. Both platforms offer unique features and integrations that cater to different needs of collaboration among teams and individuals.


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