North Jersey vs South Jersey: Difference and Comparison

Both North Jersey and South Jersey are parts of the United States. Although both these places are part of the Jersey state, they are still very different.

Key Takeaways

  1. North Jersey is closer to New York City, while South Jersey is closer to Philadelphia.
  2. North Jersey is more urbanized and densely populated, while South Jersey is more rural and sparsely populated.
  3. North Jersey has a higher cost of living and a more diverse population, while South Jersey is known for its beaches, farms, and historic sites.

North Jersey vs South Jersey

The people in both cities have different lifestyles. Also, they differ based on the living expenses, residents’ taxes, and population of their respective cities.

North Jersey vs South Jersey

North Jersey has hilly mountains, and people there have better career outcomes. Not only job opportunities, but it is also on the expensive side when compared to its peer.

The area between the Delaware River and the Atlantic Ocean comprises the southern part of Jersey state. Population residing in South Jersey roots for the Philadelphia Phillies, unlike the ones from North Jersey.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonNorth JerseySouth Jersey
AreaIt lies between the upper Delaware River and the Atlantic ocean.It covers the area between the lower Delaware River and the Atlantic Ocean.
Real Estate and Taxes People residing in North Jersey are wealthy and pay more taxes.South Jerseyans are comparatively less affluent and pay fewer taxes.
Fan Support in sports They support the New York Mets generally.People in South Jersey are more prone towards Philadelphia Phillies.
Residents’ behaviourPeople living in North Jersey are straightforward, rude, honest, and blunt.People living here are humble, king gestured with a lit bit of secrecy in their mind.
Tourist spots It is more crowded and less clean.South Jersey is very clean and lies lower in population density.

What is North Jersey?

It comprises the part that lies amidst the upper Delaware River and the Atlantic Ocean. There are a total of seven counties included in North Jersey.

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North Jersey has hilly mountains, and people there have better career outcomes. Not only job opportunities, but it is also on the expensive side when compared to its peer.

Also, it is close to New York City, making it one of the best tourist spots in the USA. The North Jerseyans are considered to be somewhat rude, self-centred, honest, and busy.

north jersey

What is South Jersey?

The area between the Delaware River and the Atlantic Ocean comprises the southern part of Jersey state. Population residing in South Jersey roots for the Philadelphia Phillies, unlike the ones from North Jersey.

The South Jerseyans are polite, humble, and less sarcastic. They are known for their hidden secret character and their support towards Phillies.

Southerners pay almost 30% fewer taxes compared to their opposites. Also, people living in South Jersey live a simple yet happy life and don’t own much in real estate.

south jersey

Main Differences Between North Jersey and South Jersey

  1. North Jersey lies between the upper Delaware River and the Atlantic Ocean, whereas South Jersey locates between the lower Delaware River and the Atlantic Ocean.
  2. People residing in North Jersey are wealthy and pay more taxes. On the other hand, South Jerseyans are comparatively less affluent and pay fewer taxes.
  3. North Jerseyan professional fans support the New York Mets generally. Meanwhile, People in south Jersey are more prone to Philadelphia Phillies.
  4. People living in North Jersey are straightforward, rude, honest, and blunt, whereas People living in South Jersey are humble and king-gestured with a lit bit of secrecy in their minds.
  5. North Jersey is more crowded, less clean, and denser in terms of population. On the other hand, South Jersey is very clean and lies lower in population density. It is also 30% cheaper than North Jersey.
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Last Updated : 11 June, 2023

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23 thoughts on “North Jersey vs South Jersey: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The article provides a clear distinction between North Jersey and South Jersey, which is useful for understanding the differences.


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