Shore Magic vs Vital Proteins: Difference and Comparison

Proteins are a long chain of amino acid residues and are very essential for human beings. Protein is a molecule present in the human body that performs various functions like DNA replication, stimulation of metabolism, etc.

We can also take this externally in the form of powder if any protein deficiency occurs in our bodies.

Shore magic and Vital proteins are also the external agents that help us intake proteins and collagen externally in the form of powder. They help us to get rid of the deficiency of proteins and collagen in our bodies.

And it is also beneficial for people who work out and needed extra nutrients in their diet daily. We can buy it from their websites at a reasonable price and also from any near supplement store.

Key Takeaways

  1. Shore Magic and Vital Proteins are both brands of collagen peptides, but Shore Magic claims to have a higher level of bioavailability than Vital Proteins.
  2. Shore Magic is derived from wild-caught fish, while Vital Proteins is derived from grass-fed cows.
  3. Both Shore Magic and Vital Proteins offer a variety of flavors and types of collagen peptides, including unflavored, flavored, and marine collagen options.

Shore Magic vs Vital Proteins

The difference between Shore Magic and Vital Proteins is that Shore Magic is not vegan. It is made up of water animals, mainly wild fish skins found in marine water. In contrast, the products made by Vital Proteins are available both vegan and non-vegan.

Shore Magic vs Vital Proteins

Shore Magic provides you with collagen and protein powder which is made up of wild fish skin found in marine water. It is non-vegan and also 19 times more absorbable as compared to other marine collagen sources.

The collagen is hydrolyzed and has lower-weight molecules.

Vital Proteins sell both vegan and non-vegan collagen and protein powder. The powder which it provides is mostly plant-based. It is mostly for skin glow, healthy nails, good digestion, or metabolism.

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These powders are mostly used by people who go to the gym or people who do work out.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonShore MagicVital Proteins
DefinitionShore magic is a company that provides you the collagen and protein powder which is made up of wild fish skin found in marine water.Vital proteins managed by nestle sell both vegan and non-vegan collagen and protein powder. The powder which it provides is mostly plant-based.
EstablishedEstablished in 2017 by Joy Harai.Established in 2013 by Kurt Seidensticker.
FounderFounded by Joy Harari.Founded by Kurt Seidensticker.
ProcessIt is Hydrolyzed which means the bonds are separated with water.It is also Hydrolyzed that is the bonds are separated with water.
SourcesShore magic products are made with wild fish skin founded in marine water.The Vital proteins products are mostly plant-based but they also sell non-vegan products.
Main locationLocated in the United States.Located in Chicago, Illinois, United States.
Acquired byIt is not acquired by any company as it is managed by an individual.It was acquired by the nestle company. And now the branding is done by nestle.

What is Shore Magic?

Shore Magic was launched in 2017 by Joy Harari, a female founder who wants to provide the world with pure and natural collagen and protein. They provide a quality product made with hydrolyzed wild fish skin found in marine water.

The brand also claims that it is free of artificial vitamins, additives, etc., and also that it is a ninety-five percent bioavailable supplement.

Shore magic is a pure product, and it is available in the form of powder which can be taken with water or with any other liquid like milk etc. It is 19 times more absorbable when compared to other collagen sources.

Shore magic helps in providing healthy skin, nails, muscles, etc.

Shore magic is a non-vegan product because it is made up of fish skin. Anyone can buy Shore Magic from their official site, or it is also available in supplement stores. It provides you with faster results because of its faster absorption.

shore magic

What is Vital Proteins?

Vital Proteins is a Nestle-owned product. It was launched in 2013 by Kurt Seidensticker in the united states, but later on, nestle acquired it.

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Vital proteins provide people with plant-based collagen and protein, but they also have non-vegan products, which are made up of the skins of fish.

Products by Vital Proteins can be bought from their website and is also available in stores worldwide.

Collagen is produced in our body in abundance, but not taking a proper diet can reduce its making process, so to boost up collagen and protein in our body, we use supplements like Vital proteins.

The Vital Proteins products are mostly taken by people who do the gym or work out because it is a good source of building more muscles in the body. It is also easily absorbable by the body.

vital proteins

Main Differences Between Shore Magic and Vital Proteins

  1. Shore Magic provides you with collagen and protein powder which is made up of wild fish skin found in marine water. On the other hand, Vital Proteins is a Nestle brand that sells vegan and non-vegan collagen and protein powder. The powder which it provides is mostly plant-based.
  2. The Vital proteins products are mostly plant-based, but they also sell non-vegan products. While Shore magic products are made with wild fish skin founded in marine water, therefore, products are non-vegan.
  3. Shore magic products are Hydrolyzed, which means the bonds are separated with water. Whereas the products by Vital proteins are also hydrolyzed, but several other processings are also done.
  4. Shore magic brand is not engaged with any big company, and it is managed by its founder Joy Harari. While the Vital proteins brand is founded by Kurt Seidensticker but now it is acquired by the nestle company.
  5. The Vital Proteins brand was launched in 2013 in the United States by Kurt Seidensticker, a male founder. Whereas Shore magic was launched in 2017 by Joy Harari, a female founder.

Last Updated : 28 June, 2023

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26 thoughts on “Shore Magic vs Vital Proteins: Difference and Comparison”

  1. Shore Magic and Vital Proteins seem to cater to different consumer needs. The distinction between their sources and types of products is well-articulated in the post.

    • The article provides a comprehensive perspective on these supplements, helping readers to understand how they differ and which one might be a better fit for them.

    • The focus on bioavailability and the production process of Shore Magic and Vital Proteins offers valuable information. Good job on this article.

  2. It’s intriguing to learn about the depth of the founding ideas behind Shore Magic and Vital Proteins. This article provides valuable insights for anyone looking into these supplements.

    • The information about the founders and the product details give a comprehensive view of Shore Magic and Vital Proteins. Great read.

    • As someone who’s interested in such supplements, I found the article to be very educational. The details are quite enlightening and useful.

  3. Both Shore Magic and Vital Proteins seem to have their unique selling points. It’s beneficial to have an overview of their differences.

    • The detailed comparison presented in this article helps in making an informed choice between Shore Magic and Vital Proteins. Great insights.

    • The details about the acquisition and ownership of Vital Proteins shed light on the brand’s trajectory. Makes this discussion much more comprehensive.

  4. The comparison table makes it easier to comprehend the differences between Shore Magic and Vital Proteins. This is a useful resource for consumers.

    • The article effectively illustrates the key points to consider when choosing between Shore Magic and Vital Proteins. Very well put together.

  5. I had heard of Vital Proteins, but I didn’t know much about Shore Magic. The 19 times more absorbable nature of Shore Magic collagen is impressive.

    • The comparison of the founders and establishment years of Shore Magic and Vital Proteins shows how both brands have evolved. Great insights.

  6. It’s interesting to learn about the founder’s vision behind Shore Magic and Vital Proteins. The claim of 95% bioavailability for Shore Magic is quite remarkable.

    • The function of proteins and collagen in the body is crucial to understand. The article provides an enlightening perspective on the topic.

    • The emphasis on where the collagen sources come from in relation to Shore Magic and Vital Proteins offers valuable insight. Thanks for the informative content.

  7. Gaining knowledge about collagen-based supplements like Shore Magic and Vital Proteins through this article is truly enlightening. The comparison helps in making an informed choice.

    • The details about the founders and the process of creating the supplements portray the depth of research that went into this article. Very insightful.

  8. Thank you for providing such detailed information about Shore Magic and Vital Proteins. It’s great to know that these supplements can be beneficial for people looking to increase protein intake or take care of their collagen deficiency.

    • The biological detail about the hydrolyzed bonds and distinction between the sources of Shore Magic and Vital Proteins is fascinating. Thank you for sharing.

    • I appreciate the comparison table that lays out the key differences between Shore Magic and Vital Proteins. This is really helpful.

  9. The article goes in-depth into the comparison of Shore Magic and Vital Proteins. It’s informative to know about their composition and benefits.

    • The specifics about how proteins and collagen work in the body add to the informative nature of this content. Well-presented.

    • The explanation about the acquisition of Vital Proteins provides context and helps to understand its evolution. Great read.

  10. The impact of protein deficiency and the availability of supplements like Shore Magic and Vital Proteins is well-highlighted in this article. It provides a clear understanding of their benefits.

    • The focus on how these supplements are useful for workout enthusiasts gives a practical perspective to this discussion. A well-documented article.


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