VPN vs MPLS: Difference and Comparison

VPN and MPLS are different systems that help you to surf the internet safely. These systems also support improving connection speed and your privacy by keeping you more anonymous.

These two systems are safe, powerful, and tech-savvy internet solutions. It is difficult to distinguish between them as they have the same purpose, but their services differ from each other.

Key Takeaways

  1. VPN is a virtual private network that connects remote users and offices to a centralized network. At the same time, MPLS is a secure private network that connects multiple locations within a single organization.
  2. VPN uses public internet infrastructure, while MPLS uses private network infrastructure.
  3. VPN is more cost-effective than MPLS, while MPLS offers higher security and reliability than VPN.


MPLS is secure and fast as it does not bother IP addresses while transferring data. It connects multiple locations within a single organization. VPN connects multiple users with a centralized host. It focuses on IP addresses and passes data through a process known as VPN tunneling.


VPN system changes the route of data transmission. The data sent through a VPN is defended by a process called VPN tunneling.

Data moves through this tunnel to its destination. A VPN is disconnected from other internet traffic.

Data in a VPN is encrypted and can be decoded when it reaches its destination.

Sent data reaches its place by looking up the IP address of the next router. Data travels from one router to the next till it reaches its destination.

But in MPLS, data finds the first router and, by one lookup, finds the end router and reaches its destination directly.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonVPNMPLS
Full form VPN stands for Virtual Private Network.The full form of MPLS is Multi-Protocol Label Switching.
Route of dataData in a VPN travels through an encrypted tunnel.MPLS prepares a labeled map for the data to reach its destination.
VulnerabilityVPN is vulnerable, but the data stays secure even if it is hacked, as it is designed to be encrypted.MPLS is less vulnerable to certain kinds of hacking. But once it is hacked, the data gets leaked as it is not encrypted.
CostVPN does not cost much, and some are even free.MPLS costs much more than VPN.
SpeedVPN is slower than MPLS.MPLS is designed to be faster than VPN.
Operational data need VPN can work with both multi-point and point-to-point data.MPLS needs multi-point data to work.

What is VPN?

Virtual Private Network or VPN Protect the data by encrypting it. Data in VPN travels through a protected tunnel which is known as VPN tunneling.

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This tunneling process of the VPN system is called encapsulation. This tunnel is disconnected from other internet traffic.

They are private virtual tunnels, as their name implies.

The data in this tunnel remains encrypted and is subjected to decode once it reaches its destination. So if the system gets hacked somehow, the data will still stay safe as it is coded.

Different types of encoding protocols are used by different VPNs. A few examples are PPTP, L2TP, SSTP, IKEv2, and OpenVPN.

VPN keeps your IP address hidden, and therefore you remain anonymous and safe on the internet.

In VPN, cloud-based services are widely available. The operational data need of VPN can be supported by both multi-point technique and point-to-point technique.


What is MPLS?

Multiprotocol Label Switching, or MPLS, is a system that carries data and directs it to the destination directly without stopping at every server in the way. It makes sending data to a distant destination in the MPLS system easier.

Data travels from one server to another in order to reach its destination, but MPLS creates a labeled map for the data to reach its destination directly. So it is faster than other systems.

MPLS system does not let data visit every IP address, so it is very safe and not vulnerable. It is secured from some types of hacking.

But MPLS does not encrypt its data, so if it gets hacked, then the data can be seen.

MPLS technology is costly. It operates on OSI layer 2 and layer 3. MPLS is supported only in multi-point techniques.

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In MPLS, cloud-based services are limitedly available. By using MPLS, every blocked site can be unblocked.

Main Differences Between VPN and MPLS

  1. VPN stands for Virtual Private Network. As the name suggests, a VPN system is a private network that creates a tunnel for data to travel to its destination. And MPLS stands for Multi-Protocol Label Switching. It routes a labeled map for the data to reach its destination.
  2. VPN looks up every IP address along the way, so this is a bit more time-consuming. Whereas in the MPLS system, data finds the first router and, by one lookup, finds the end router. It does not hop on every router in the way, so it is comparatively fast.
  3. The data in a VPN system is encrypted and can be decoded only after it arrives at its destination. But in MPLS, data is not encrypted.
  4. As VPN visits every IP address in the middle, so it is prone to be vulnerable. But the data in a VPN is encrypted, so even if a hacker hacks the system, they can not decode the code. Thus the data remains safe. On the other hand, in MPLS, the data does not visit every IP address in its way, so it is not vulnerable to certain kinds of hacking. But if it is hacked somehow, then the data can be seen as it is not encrypted.
  5. VPN does not cost much, it is pocket-friendly, and some of the VPNs are even available for free. MPLS, on the contrary, costs much more than VPN.
Difference Between VPN and MPLS


  1. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Faycal_Bensalah/publication/316216397_Evaluation_of_tunnel_layer_impact_on_VOIP_performances_IP_-_MPLS_-_MPLS_VPN_-_MPLS_VPN_IPsec/data/58f64e6445851506cd30e278/20170311.pdf
  2. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/6735120/

Last Updated : 13 July, 2023

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23 thoughts on “VPN vs MPLS: Difference and Comparison”

  1. This is a comprehensive overview of VPN and MPLS. It’s interesting to learn about the distinct features and benefits of each system.

    • I completely agree. The article does a great job of highlighting the unique characteristics of VPN and MPLS, making it easier for readers to understand.

  2. The comparison between VPN and MPLS is extensive and informative. The article effectively communicates the technical aspects of these systems in a comprehensive manner.

    • Absolutely. The detailed analysis in the article offers a clear understanding of the differences between VPN and MPLS, making it an insightful read for readers.

    • I agree. The article’s in-depth comparison of VPN and MPLS provides valuable insights into their respective functionalities and benefits.

  3. This article has successfully highlighted the unique aspects of VPN and MPLS, particularly in terms of vulnerability and cost. It’s a valuable read on these networking systems.

    • Absolutely. The article’s insights into the differences in vulnerability and cost provide a comprehensive understanding of VPN and MPLS.

    • I couldn’t agree more. The detailed comparison of the vulnerabilities and cost factors of VPN and MPLS sheds light on the practical implications of each system.

  4. The comparison between VPN and MPLS is well-detailed and informative. It’s helpful for those who are looking to understand the technical aspects of these systems.

  5. The article’s explanations of VPN and MPLS are comprehensive, covering everything from data encryption to cost and speed. It’s an excellent resource for understanding these systems.

    • Indeed. The article’s detailed explanations of VPN and MPLS systems offer a comprehensive understanding of their features and functionalities.

    • I couldn’t agree more. The depth of coverage in the article makes it a valuable reference for those exploring the complexities of VPN and MPLS systems.

  6. The article offers a well-structured comparison of VPN and MPLS, particularly in terms of data routing and encryption. It’s a valuable resource for those delving into networking technologies.

    • Indeed, the article’s detailed comparison of data routing and encryption in VPN and MPLS offers valuable insights for anyone seeking to understand these technologies.

    • Absolutely. The article’s focus on data routing and encryption effectively distinguishes between VPN and MPLS, making it easier to grasp their functionalities.

  7. The article’s comparison table provides a concise yet comprehensive overview of the differences between VPN and MPLS. It’s a valuable reference for those looking to understand these systems.

  8. Great explanation of VPN and MPLS systems. The article provides a clear understanding of the differences and advantages of each system.

  9. The article effectively explains the differences in security, cost, and operational data requirements of VPN and MPLS. It’s a valuable resource for anyone seeking clarity on these systems.

    • I agree. The breakdown of the key differences in this article is very helpful for understanding the practical applications of VPN and MPLS.

    • Yes, the article provides a thorough analysis of VPN and MPLS, making it easier to comprehend their functions and benefits.

  10. This detailed breakdown of VPN and MPLS in the comparison table is insightful. It effectively highlights the key differences in the features and functionalities of these systems.

    • I agree. The comparison table in the article is a great resource for gaining a clear understanding of the distinctions between VPN and MPLS.

    • Absolutely. The comparison table simplifies the differences between VPN and MPLS, providing a well-structured reference point for readers.


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