Zion National Park vs Yellowstone: Difference and Comparison

Zion National Park and Yellowstone are both wildlife parks located in the United States. They are very popular, being home to many popular sights. Each one possesses particular activities to entertain the guests of the park.

One thing to remember while going to either of the parks is to check for the timings and make reservations, otherwise, without knowing these details, a trip could easily become a hassle.

Also, one should be prepared with enough water and medicines while visiting the parks as the activities include going to higher altitudes.

Key Takeaways

  1. Yellowstone National Park is in Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho, while Zion National Park is in Utah.
  2. Yellowstone National Park has a larger area and is home to more wildlife than Zion National Park.
  3. Zion National Park has more hiking opportunities and offers unique experiences like canyoneering, while Yellowstone National Park is known for its geothermal features like geysers and hot springs.

Zion National Park vs Yellowstone

Zion National Park is located in southern Utah and is known for its unique rock formations and towering sandstone cliffs. Yellowstone National Park is located primarily in Wyoming, covers over 2 million acres, and is known for its geothermal features, including the famous Old Faithful geyser.

Zion National Park vs Yellowstone

Zion National Park is a national park where many wild animals and plants inhabit. The person can use a lot of features provided by the park, for example, their famous Zion Canyon, mountains, rivers, types of hills, etc.

Yellowstone is a national park in the United States spread from Wyoming to Montana and Idaho. It is famous for being the first National park to be opened to the general public and has many activities to be done by the visitors.

Comparison Table

Parameters of Comparison Zion National ParkYellowstone
Year of establishmentNovember 19, 1919March 1, 1872 
Area 146,597 acres2,219,791 acres
Elevation Between 4000 to 6500 feetBetween 7000 to 8000 feet
ClimateDry, hotWarm, cool
FeaturesHiking, visiting canyons, mountains, etc.Having one of the largest supervolcanoes, Having America’s largest buffalo herd, etc.
Known forZion Canyon, Horse Ranch Mountain. etc.Geysers like Old Faithful geyser, hot springs, etc.

What is Zion National Park?

Zion National Park is a park that is located in the state of Utah, United States. The place is filled with many species of flora and fauna. The park has hills, rivers, mountains, and other activities to offer. The hills in the park provide the hiker with breathtaking views.

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The park was called Mukuntuweap National Monument earlier, and the name we know the place from today, Zion National Park, was named in the year 1919. It was Utah’s first national park and included a lot of activities like hiking, sightseeing, and other refreshing activities

Summer and Fall are the main periods that the park is visited. Even though the elevation is not much according to the other parks, the highest elevation is 7,810 feet, which one can get to from the West Temple located in the Kolob Canyons.

For accommodations, the place has a couple of campgrounds. It is famous for its places for hiking. The trails are very diverse, with different miles and types of treks.

zion national park

What is Yellowstone?

Yellowstone is a National park that consists of various activities like sightseeing, hiking, camping, fishing, etc. It is said to be the world’s first national park and is the first national part of the USA.

The documentation for the park was signed by then USA President Ulysses S. Grant on March 1 in, 1872. The park’s area is so big that the tours last for a few days.

It is very large and thus is mainly around Wyoming, but it also touches two other states, which are Idaho and Montana, respectively. Aside from activities, they provide accommodations like housing, sit-down restaurants, etc. They can also get a private tour that includes some parts of the park.

Yellowstone is even a good place for activities even in the offseason since they provide many activities like E-Bike Tours, Safari hiking tours, etc., that can be done almost any time. The park is on top of a dormant volcano and is most famous for the Old Faithful geyser, one of the most visited geysers in the USA.


Main Differences Between Zion National Park and Yellowstone

  1. Zion National Park has the opening season in cool and warm temperatures. Yellowstone is visited by people in hot temperatures, mainly in the hottest months, like June and July.
  2. Yellowstone has been open to the public for a longer period of time as opposed to Zion National Park, which officially opened in the year 1919. Yellowstone opened in 1872 and is the first national park in the United States and the world.
  3. Zion National Park is quite small in terms of geographical area if compared to Yellowstone. Yellowstone’s size is 2,219,791 acres, while Zion National Park is only 146,597 acres in comparison.
  4. The elevation of the parks is different as well. Zion National Park is around 4000 to 6500 feet in average height above sea level, while Yellowstone has a much higher elevation than the former. The elevation comes to be 8000 feet for Yellowstone.
  5. Both of the parks are located in different states of the United States. Zion National Park is located in the city of Utah, while Yellowstone is spread around three states.
Difference Between Zion National Park and Yellowstone
  1. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/0377027387900680
  2. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1467-8306.1966.tb00568.x
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Last Updated : 06 July, 2023

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24 thoughts on “Zion National Park vs Yellowstone: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The unique features and activities of Zion National Park and Yellowstone National Park offer enchanting experiences for visitors. The comparison between the two parks is informative and insightful.

    • The natural wonders and activities within Zion and Yellowstone make them captivating destinations. Both parks provide visitors with an array of experiences to explore and enjoy.

  2. Zion National Park and Yellowstone National Park both boast unique offerings and activities. The detailed comparison highlights the exceptional beauty and diverse features of each park.

    • Visiting Zion and Yellowstone is an extraordinary adventure. The specific characteristics and activities of each park are what make them truly remarkable destinations.

    • The comparison between Zion National Park and Yellowstone National Park provides valuable insights into the individual charm and natural wonders of each park. Exploring the unique attributes of these destinations is an enriching experience.

  3. Zion National Park and Yellowstone National Park are both renowned for their unique features and offerings. They are incredible places for wildlife enthusiasts and nature lovers.

  4. Zion National Park and Yellowstone are both stunning, but they differ in their wildlife and activities. It’s important for visitors to understand the unique features of each park.

    • Appreciating the natural beauty of these parks is an unforgettable experience. Both parks offer various activities and scenic landscapes to explore.

    • You’re right, visitors should plan their trips well to these parks. It’s fascinating to learn about the distinct offerings of each park and the type of wildlife one can encounter.

  5. The comparison between Zion National Park and Yellowstone National Park showcases the distinct characteristics of each park. The natural wonders and activities in these parks are truly captivating.

    • Visiting Zion National Park and Yellowstone National Park is a remarkable journey through nature’s diverse wonders. The activities and landscapes within each park are truly unparalleled.

    • Both parks offer a wealth of activities and breathtaking scenery. The comparison provides valuable insights for travelers planning to visit these remarkable destinations.

  6. Zion National Park and Yellowstone National Park are both exceptional destinations for nature lovers. Visitors can immerse themselves in the distinct landscapes and diverse wildlife of these pristine parks.

    • Both Zion and Yellowstone offer remarkable experiences for outdoor enthusiasts. The specific activities and landscapes of each park create unforgettable memories for visitors.

  7. The detailed comparison of Zion National Park and Yellowstone National Park provides valuable insights into the unique offerings and activities of each park. Understanding these distinctions is essential for an enjoyable visit.

  8. The distinct features and landscapes of Zion National Park and Yellowstone National Park make them captivating destinations for outdoor enthusiasts. The parks offer a plethora of activities and sights to explore.

    • Exploring the unique landscapes and wildlife of Zion and Yellowstone is an enriching adventure. The comparison between the parks highlights their individual characteristics and attractions.

  9. Both Zion National Park and Yellowstone National Park are renowned for their natural beauty and distinct activities. Exploring the diverse landscapes and wildlife in these parks is an enriching experience.

    • Indeed, these parks offer an incredible variety of natural wonders and activities. Understanding the unique characteristics and offerings of each park is essential for a memorable visit.

    • The comparison between Zion and Yellowstone highlights their remarkable features. Both parks provide visitors with an opportunity to immerse themselves in nature’s splendid landscapes and wildlife.

  10. Both Zion National Park and Yellowstone are fascinating wildlife parks. Each park offers unique activities and wildlife. It’s crucial for visitors to make reservations and be prepared with water and medicine.

    • Visiting these parks involves some planning and knowledge of their unique features, making a trip more enjoyable. It’s great to know about the activities and wildlife in both parks.


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