Almond Joys vs Mounds: Difference and Comparison

Chocolates are one of the biggest delicacies the young and old enjoy. As a result, it is no surprise that numerous brands have jumped into the wagon of making chocolates.

Due to the high number of chocolate makers, there has been stiff competition among them, and it is not a big surprise when these companies produce nearly or entirely identical chocolates. In such cases, the sales of products mainly depend on brand recognition, brand loyalty, price, etc.

The chocolate bar Almond Joys and Mounds have a very similar case. However, it is important to note that the Peter Paul Manufacturing Company initially created them.

However, it is important to note that Hershey’s purchased this company later.

Key Takeaways

  1. Almond Joys have almonds on top of a coconut filling and are covered in milk chocolate, while Mounds are made of coconut filling and are covered in dark chocolate.
  2. Almond Joys are sweeter than Mounds because of the milk chocolate, while Mounds have a more robust coconut flavor because of the dark chocolate.
  3. Almond Joys and Mounds are both candy bars made by the same company, but Almond Joys have been around since 1946, while Mounds were introduced in 1920.

Almond Joys vs Mounds

The difference between Almond Joy and Mounds is their packaging scheme. Almond Joy uses a blue colour scheme, while Mound uses a red one.

Almond Joys vs Mounds

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonAlmond JoyMounds
Chocolate TypeMilk ChocolateDark Chocolate
Color SchemeBlueRed
Year of Creation19461920
Tagline‘Sometimes you feel like a nut; sometimes you don’t.’‘Indescribably Delicious
Reason for ProductionAs a replacement for the Dream Bar in World War 2.Made by Candy Maker Vincent Nitido.

What is Almond Joy?

Almond Joy is one of the most recognized and popular candy bars ever. It is manufactured by the company Hershey’s, a famous chocolate manufacturing brand known for manufacturing products such as Hershey’s Kisses, Milk Duds, Cadbury Eggs, and the iconic Hershey’s Chocolate Syrup. 

However, it is interesting that this reputed chocolate maker did not initially manufacture Almond Joy. It was first made by a company called the Peter Paul Manufacturing Company back in the year 1946.

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Before the Almond Joy, the Peter Paul Manufacturing Company manufactured a candy bar called the Dream Bar which was widely used by the United States troops.

The Dream Bar was so popular that the troops were responsible for about 80% of its consumption. The Almond Joy was essentially very similar to the Dream Bar.

It had diced-up almonds and coconut covered with dark chocolate. The demand for Almond Joys as well as booming even after the end of the war.

Until 1988, this chocolate was manufactured and owned by the Peter Paul Manufacturing Company. Then, in 1988, famous chocolate manufacturer Hershey’s purchased the company’s chocolate business rights in the United States for about $300 million.

This deal also included Almond Joy, Mounds, and Cadbury-only products such as Dairy Milk and Caramello. The business deal included Cadbury because, in 1978, the Peter Paul Manufacturing Company performed a merger with the Cadbury Schweppes Company of England.

The well-recognizable tagline of Almond Joys is ‘Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don’t. This tagline’s extended version is, ‘Sometimes you feel like a nut; sometimes you don’t.

Almond Joy’s got nuts; Mounds don’t’. Leo Corday and Leon Carr wrote these lines.

Joey Levine lent the voice to these lines. Since both of these chocolates belonged to the same company, using the same advertisement while highlighting the difference between them would be a good use of efficient advertising and make it economical, too, while shooting two birds with one arrow.

almond joy

What is Mounds?

Mounds is a candy bar that is very similar to Almond Joy and is even manufactured by the same parent company, the same company responsible for many of the chocolate products found worldwide, especially in the United States. This is because, in 1978, Hershey’s Company acquired a major hold in the chocolate business in the United States by acquiring the Peter Paul Manufacturing Company, the largest chocolate manufacturer there at that time.

Initially, Mounds was created in 1920 by the candy maker Vincent Nitido, who belonged to West Haven, Connecticut. In contrast to now, earlier, it was sold as a single piece for 5 cents.

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Later, the Peter Paul Manufacturing Company bought this chocolate and started selling two in one pack, while the price remained the same at 5 cents. However, after World War 2, this price increased to 10 cents, while the quantity of chocolate in each pack remained the same. 

Initially, the tagline for Mounds was ‘indescribably delicious’. This tagline was acquired when Mounds had run a competition, where the contestants were to come up with a tagline that would describe the candy.

Leon Weiss, who came up with the slogan, won $10 for the same. The chocolate was so profitable for the company that during World War 2, when it faced a shortage of coconut and sugar, it discontinued some of its less popular chocolates, compromising the quality of its Mounds candy.

Main Differences Between Almond Joy and Mounds

  1. The main difference between Almond Joy and Mounds is that Almond Joy has blue-themed packaging, while Mounds has red-themed packaging.
  2. Almond Joy uses milk chocolate, while Mounds uses dark chocolate.
  3. Almond Joy was created in 1946, while Mounds was created in 1920.
  4. The tagline for Almond Joy is “Sometimes you feel like nuts, sometimes you don’t”, while the initial tagline for Mounds was “indescribably delicious”.
  5. Almond Joy started as a replacement for the Dream Bar, while Vincent Nitido started Mounds.
Difference Between Almond Joys and Mounds

Last Updated : 11 June, 2023

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24 thoughts on “Almond Joys vs Mounds: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The detailed comparison and historical background of Almond Joy and Mounds add a layer of complexity to these seemingly simple treats.

  2. The story of Almond Joy and Mounds is quite a compelling narrative that showcases the evolution of consumer trends over the years.

  3. The origin stories of Almond Joy and Mounds truly enhance the overall experience and appreciation for these classic chocolates.

  4. The story of Almond Joy and Mounds is a perfect example of how marketing strategies and branding make a huge difference, even when the products are nearly identical.

  5. The acquisition of these chocolate products by Hershey’s is a significant part of the chocolate industry’s history.

  6. It’s amusing to see how the tagline and marketing strategies played a significant role in the success of these chocolate bars.


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