Corsair Dominator vs Vengeance Pro: Difference and Comparison

Corsair Dominator and vengeance pro are two different RAMs, both of them very popular and always in demand by tech geeks. For them, it is the toughest decision to choose between the two as both of them have proven to be excellent in their work.

The corsair dominator’s Platinum has a series of memory kits that are considered to be top-class modules for your gaming PC. And just like the Dominator series, the Vengeance series is also one of the greatest modules for your gaming programs. The Dominator memory kit is considered to be the top hit for anyone’s gaming needs.

Key Takeaways

  1. Corsair Dominator and Vengeance Pro are both types of computer memory modules.
  2. Corsair Dominator is designed for high-end performance and overclocking, while Vengeance Pro is designed for mainstream use.
  3. Corsair Dominator has higher clock speeds and tighter timings than Vengeance Pro.

Corsair Dominator vs Vengeance Pro

Corsair Dominator is said to be overclocking and better than the modules of Vengeance RGB pro version to that of hand screen memory. The Dominator’s platinum version offers a speed that is up to 4800MHz, while the same version of the vengeance pro offers a speed that is up to 4600MHz only.

Corsair Dominator vs Vengeance Pro

The corsair dominator’s Platinum has a series of memory kits that are considered to be top-class modules for your gaming PC. The version of Corsair has been in the market for quite a long time now and till yet has maintained its position at the top of all the authorities.

Not just this, the Dominator memory kit is considered to be the top hit for anyone’s gaming needs. The Vengeance series is one of the most famous ones among gamers.

When the Vengeance pro-SL was launched to the market, it became the game-changer for the whole module system. Talking of the designs and the aesthetics, the vengeance has quite the same one except for some discrepancies.

Comparison Table

Parameters of comparisonCorsair DominatorVengeance Pro
DesignCorsair dominator platinum version comes in a very beautifully designed matte black accent.Vengeance pro also comes with a matte blackish accent but it does not have RGB lighting.
SpeedThe corsair dominator comes with a RAM speed of 3466MHz.The vengeance pro version comes with a speed of RAM that is about 3600MHz.
HeightThe corsair has a height of 51 mm.The vengeance has about 12% less height than the dominator as the dominator has a height of 51 mm while the vengeance pro has 44 mm
LatencyThe latency of dominator platinum RGB has is CAS 16.The corsair vengeance has a CAS latency of about 18.
BudgetThere is not much difference in the cost of both.When comes to cost-effectiveness people go with vengeance pro.

What is Corsair Dominator?

The corsair dominator’s Platinum has a series of memory kits that are considered to be top-class modules for your gaming PC. The version of Corsair has been in the market for quite a long time now and till yet has maintained its position at the top of all the authorities.

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Not just this, the Dominator memory kit is considered to be the top hit for anyone’s gaming needs. Talking of the design and the aesthetic of the corsair dominator platinum version, it comes in a very beautifully designed matte black accent.

The dominator platinum version RGB supports 12 individual LEDs that are addressable in each of its modules. When it comes to the speed of RAM, the corsair dominator has a speed of 3466MHz. The Corsair has a height of 51 mm.

corsair dominator

What is Vengeance Pro?

The Vengeance series is one of the most famous ones among gamers. When the Vengeance pro-SL was launched to the market, it became the game-changer for the whole module system.

Talking of the designs and the aesthetics, the vengeance has quite the same one except for some discrepancies. Not just this, the price of both the kits is not very viable from each other. But when it comes to cost-effectiveness, people go with vengeance pro.

The Vengeance pro-SL comes with a RAM speed of 3600MHz. Then talking of the latencies, the corsair vengeance has a CAS latency of about 18. Moving to the height, the Vengeance has about 12% less height than the Dominator as the Dominator has a height of 51 mm while the vengeance pro has 44 mm.

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Although height is not an issue in most gaming PC, there are some air coolers that require a larger area, and they don’t want fir in the smaller ones.

Main Differences Between Corsair Dominator and Vengeance Pro

  1. The main difference between the corsair dominator and vengeance pro is that the Corsair Dominator platinum version comes in a very beautifully designed matte black accent, while Vengeance Pro also comes with a matte blackish accent, but it does not have RGB lighting.
  2. The corsair dominator comes with a RAM speed of 3466MHz, while the vengeance pro version comes with a speed of RAM that is about 3600MHz.
  3. The Corsair has a height of 51 mm, but the Vengeance has about 12% less height than the Dominator as the Dominator has a height of 51 mm while the vengeance pro has 44 mm
  4. The latency of dominator platinum RGB is CAS 16, and the corsair vengeance has a CAS latency of about 18.
  5. There is not much difference in the cost of both, but when it comes to cost-effectiveness, people go with vengeance pro.

Last Updated : 07 August, 2023

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25 thoughts on “Corsair Dominator vs Vengeance Pro: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The article does a great job of objectively presenting the features and performance of both the Corsair Dominator and Vengeance Pro, allowing readers to make an informed choice based on their specific requirements.

    • This article is a valuable resource for individuals looking to understand the technical aspects of these memory modules. The inclusion of details such as speed, height, and latency is quite helpful.

    • I appreciate the article’s focus on providing factual information. The comparison table neatly summarizes the primary differences between the two RAM modules.

    • Agreed. The article provides a comprehensive analysis of the technical specifications, making it easier for readers to understand the distinctions between the products.

    • The information provided about the design, speed, height, latency, and budget differences is insightful and helps in making an informed decision.

  2. The insight into the Corsair Dominator platinum version and the Vengeance Pro is well-explained. The distinctions between the two are clearly outlined and supported with relevant information.

    • Agreed. The analysis provided regarding the features and suitability of both RAM modules offers a well-rounded perspective for potential buyers.

    • The article goes beyond marketing jargon and delves into the specifics that matter to individuals seeking to invest in high-performance RAM.

  3. The comparison table adds substantial value to the article. It serves as a quick reference for individuals interested in understanding the technical differences between the Corsair Dominator and Vengeance Pro RAM modules.

    • Absolutely. The detailed examination of parameters within the comparison table enables readers to discern the nuances that set the two memory modules apart.

    • The article’s approach to presenting the characteristics and performance metrics of both RAM modules is praiseworthy. It aids in informed decision-making.

  4. The comparison of these two RAMs is very informative. It provides a clear understanding of the differences between the Corsair Dominator and Vengeance Pro.

  5. The information related to the Corsair Dominator’s platinum series and the Vengeance Pro is presented in an unbiased manner, allowing consumers to weigh the options based on their needs and preferences.

    • The comprehensive evaluation of the Corsair Dominator and the Vengeance Pro allows readers to understand the performance and functional disparities between the two memory modules.

    • The article’s focus on providing factual and relevant details is commendable. It steers clear of subjective opinions and provides an objective comparison of the two RAM modules.

  6. The article’s focus on providing technical specifications and factual performance comparisons is appreciated. It helps demystify the differences between the Corsair Dominator and Vengeance Pro for potential buyers.

    • The article’s detailed examination of the key features of the Corsair Dominator and Vengeance Pro offers readers a comprehensive understanding of the two RAM modules.

  7. The in-depth analysis of the Corsair Dominator and Vengeance Pro provides valuable insights for consumers. The article’s unbiased approach enables individuals to evaluate the RAM modules based on their specific needs and preferences.

    • I agree. The article succeeds in providing an objective evaluation of the Corsair Dominator and Vengeance Pro, empowering readers to make informed decisions regarding their purchase.

  8. The section dedicated to the key takeaways is particularly useful. It summarizes the primary differences and functionalities of these memory modules effectively.

    • Absolutely. The emphasis on comparing design, speed, height, latency, and budget is beneficial for readers who seek detailed insights before making a purchase.

    • Agreed. The clarity in explaining the key takeaways makes it easier for readers to comprehend the key differentiators between the Corsair Dominator and Vengeance Pro.

  9. The article’s emphasis on technical details is commendable. The straightforward comparison helps in understanding the unique selling points of both Corsair Dominator and Vengeance Pro.


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