Db2 vs Oracle: Difference and Comparison

Today, there exist several elements of a computer system that are used to run several tasks. These small elements make an entire computer system.

These elements must work properly and in a smooth way so that the computer system doesn’t face any issues. Initially, minimum elements were a part of the computer system, but as time advanced, there were several inventions.

These elements include an operating system, database system, upgrades, software, hardware, computer tools, etc. The collection of data that a user can electronically access is known as the database system of a computer.

There are several database systems today that are used and operated by people. Two of these are 1. Db2 and 2. Oracle.

Key Takeaways

  1. DB2, developed by IBM, targets large-scale mainframe environments, while Oracle, created by Oracle Corporation, caters to a wider range of platforms, including UNIX, Linux, and Windows.
  2. Oracle offers more advanced features for managing large datasets, such as Real Application Clusters and Partitioning, while DB2 focuses on providing a secure and stable environment.
  3. DB2 boasts better integration with IBM hardware and software, whereas Oracle supports a wider range of third-party tools and applications.

Db2 vs Oracle

The difference between Db2 and Oracle database systems are the special facts that are known for. The Db2 database system is very well known for its reliability, and it is easy to expand. On the other hand, the oracle database system is very well known for the variety of tools and applications that it provides to its users.

Db2 vs Oracle

The Db2 database system is one of the well-known database systems by IBM. It is also known as database 2.

IHM offers several database products, and the Db2 database system is the collection of those database products.

It includes several database products. It is one of the strongest database systems in the software industry.

The Oracle database system is one of the database systems by the Oracle Corporation. It is a management database system that was released in the year 1979 by the Oracle Corporation.

It is a multi-model management database system written in computer languages like C++, C, etc.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonDb2Oracle
Parent companyIBMOracle Corporation
Type ofCollection of database products.Multi-model management database system.
Released in19831979
Specialty It is reliable, and it can be expanded easily.It provides a variety of computer applications and tools to users.
Also known asdatabase 2.Oracle, Oracle DBMS

What is Db2?

Database 2 is one of the collections of database products that are offered by IBM. It is majorly known as Db2.

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It supports several computer languages like C++, C#, C, Delphi, Fortran, Python, Ruby, Pearl, Java, PHP, Cobol, etc. It was released in the year 1983, and its parent company is IBM.

It also supports various operating systems like Linux, Windows, Solaris, AIX, HP-UX, etc. Whenever a user buys an operating system or iSeries hardware from IBM, database 2 comes along with it, and it need not be purchased differently by paying extra money.

It has good support and is extremely reliable. Many people consider Db2 as a value-for-money option because of the functions that it provides. It also has other advanced features.

It has cloud-based options as well. The data can be adjusted according to the user’s preferences and can be secured as it provides data security.

Alike that it also enables the users to scale their data. This database system is available to users in nearly six languages, including European languages like Spanish, German, and French.

It is also available in English and Japanese. It has several other features like the tables and columns that are OLAP oriented, the optimized storage facility, allowance for linear scaling, etc.

ibm db2

What is OracleOracle?

The Oracle database system is one of the database systems. The parent company of Oracle is the Oracle Corporation.

It is one of the leading database systems in the world of software. It offers a variety of special features to its users and is extremely convenient.

It does have some shortcomings, but they are negligible as it gives an extremely good experience. It supports several computer languages like Javascript, Lisp, Objective C, Erlang, Scala, R, Haskell, C++, C language, Assembly language, Groovy, Clojure, Eiffel, etc.

It also supports various operating systems but mainly the servers that run the OS X operating system. It is one of the special features of the oracle database system.

Unlike, Db2, the oracle database system must be bought by the user differently from the main purchase. One must pay extra money to buy this database system.

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However, the miracle database system is considered a modern option when selecting database systems because of its special features and advantages. Larry Ellison, Bob Miner, and Ed Oates are the founders of the Oracle Corporation.

The oracle v2 was the first release of the corporation released in the year 1979. The Sb2 and the oracle database systems are considered competitors in the market.

However, the oracle database system provides a variety of computer applications and tools to users.


Main Differences Between Db2 and Oracle

  1. The Db2 is a collection of products that are related to database systems that IBM manufactures. On the other hand, Oracle is a multi-model management database system.
  2. The Db2 is also addressed as database 2. On the other hand, the oracle database system is also addressed as Oracle DBMS.
  3. The Db2 need not be purchased differently. On the other hand, the oracle database system needs to be purchased differently.
  4. The Db2 does not support programming languages like Clojure, Groovy, and Erlang. On the other hand, the oracle database system does support programming languages like Clojure, Groovy, Erlang, and many others.
  5. Database 2 was released in the year 1983. On the other hand, the oracle database system was released in the year 1979.
  6. The parent company of database 2 is IBM. On the other hand, the parent company of the oracle database system is the Oracle Corporation.
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  1. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/5387769/
  2. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=oSKwAAAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PT3&dq=oracle+database+management+system&ots=wRnpX0OgFH&sig=bMrmq7WvBn8staSoHdgquj1AWFY

Last Updated : 11 June, 2023

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18 thoughts on “Db2 vs Oracle: Difference and Comparison”

  1. This article does a great job of outlining the strengths and weaknesses of Db2 and Oracle. It’s an excellent reference for anyone looking to make an informed decision about database systems.

  2. The detailed overview of Db2 and Oracle offers valuable insights to professionals in the software industry. A commendable piece of work!

  3. The article provides a thorough examination of Db2 and Oracle, making it an indispensable resource for IT professionals. Well done!

  4. The article skillfully dissects the nuances of Db2 and Oracle, providing readers with a deep understanding of their functionalities. An excellent piece of content!

  5. This article provides a comprehensive comparison between Db2 and Oracle database systems. It’s very informative and highlights the key differences between the two. Well written!

  6. The article offers a comprehensive comparison of Db2 and Oracle, shedding light on their respective features and applications. A must-read for anyone in the field of software development.

  7. The in-depth analysis of Db2 and Oracle in this article is truly enlightening. It provides a balanced perspective on both systems and their strengths.

  8. The article offers detailed insights into the features and capabilities of Db2 and Oracle database systems. It’s a valuable resource for those seeking to understand the differences between these platforms.


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