Constant Contact vs Salesforce: Difference and Comparison

Salesforce operates as both a CRM platform and a marketing solution provider. The features included with a Salesforce subscription are hence more innovative and expansive.

While Constant Contact offers fewer features and services to its clientele because it operates primarily as a marketing solution provider.

Key Takeaways

  1. Constant Contact is a marketing automation platform specializing in email marketing and event management, while Salesforce is a customer relationship management platform focusing on sales and customer service.
  2. Constant Contact offers a more user-friendly interface and is easier to set up, while Salesforce offers more advanced customization options and is better suited for larger businesses.
  3. Constant Contact is a more affordable option for small businesses, while Salesforce can be quite expensive but offers more comprehensive features for enterprise-level organizations.

Constant Contact vs Salesforce

Constant Contact primarily focuses on email marketing, allowing businesses to create and send newsletters, promotional emails, and automated campaigns. Salesforce offers a more comprehensive CRM solution, including email marketing, sales automation, customer service management, and analytics.

Constant Contact vs Salesforce

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonConstant ContactSalesforce
FeaturesConstant Contact offers fewer features than Salesforce because it primarily operates as a marketing solution provider.Salesforce offers more features than Constant Contact because it operates as a CRM and marketing solution provider.
IntegrationsConstant Contact allows fewer integrations.Salesforce allows more integrations.
Refund PolicyConstant Contact has a refund policy.Salesforce does not have a refund policy.
PriceConstant Contact is cheaper than Salesforce.Salesforce is more expensive than Constant Contact.
Customer Size SuitabilityIdeal for firms with smaller customer bases.Ideal for firms with small, medium, and large customer bases.
User-FriendlyMore user-friendly than Salesforce.Not as user-friendly as Constant Contact.
InterfaceOffers a better user interface than Salesforce.The user interface offered by Salesforce is not as good as Constant Contact.
PerformanceConstant Contact performs better than Salesforce.The Performance of Salesforce is good but remains inferior to Constant Contacts.

What is Constant Contact?

As an online marketing company based in Massachusetts, Constant Contact was founded in 1995. The company is leading in initiating online marketing campaigns and specializes in curating email marketing strategies.

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Constant Contact is a trusted name in online marketing that helps companies operate more systematically and smartly to optimize their sales. It endeavours to create an online brand image for companies and expand their clientele.

The firm’s forte lies in social marketing, e-commerce, and creating websites with in-built marketing tools.  Constant Contact is empowered by a sophisticated AI-Website Builder, which creates optimized client websites.

The analytical tools offered by the company allow users to track the success rates of such campaigns in real time. Constant Contact also offers free email templates for users to download and customize.

It helps clients create social media-centric advertisement campaigns that optimize website traffic flow.

constant contact

What is Salesforce?

The California-based online software company Salesforce is the world’s leading CRM platform. As a Customer Relationship Management enterprise, Salesforce unites a whole fleet of services into a single suite.

By integrating the domains of marketing, sales, e-commerce, and other services, Salesforce provides a one-stop solution to the CRM needs of companies.

The goal of Salesforce is to allow firms to use one integrated solution so that their teams can operate from anywhere in the world. Salesforce -powered by Customer 360- is hailed for its unparalleled marketing campaigns.

It allows clients to assimilate their datasets inside and outside their CRM systems. Salesforce also provides a real-time data analytics tool called Tableau to help clients track their progress. Digital marketing-enabled smarter operational systems are ideated and implemented by Salesforce.

Moreover, Salesforce helps clients provide top-class customer service to their diverse customer bases. Companies like Unilever, Humu, BBVA, Brunello Cucinelli, and others use Salesforce to empower their marketing campaigns and streamline their CRM requirements.


Main Differences Between Constant Contact and Salesforce

  1. The main difference between Constant Contact and Salesforce is that the former does not offer certain features offered by the latter. As a company catering to firms’ CRM and marketing needs, Salesforce offers features like web activity tracking, bi-directional CRM syncing split testing, quote creation, and creation of membership sites. Constant Contact does not offer these features.
  2. The two also differ in terms of integrations. Salesforce offers more integrations than Constant Contact. Constant Contact does not provide Netsuite, SAP, or Oracle integrations.
  3. Salesforce does not have a refund policy, while Constant Contact has a refund policy.
  4. Constant Contact is known to provide more cost-effective plans, while Salesforce offers plans at a higher price point.  
  5. Constant Contact is ideal for firms with smaller customer bases, while Salesforce is suited for firms with small, medium, and large customer bases.
  6. Constant Contact is more user-friendly than Salesforce. Salesforce has a time-consuming and cumbersome process of initial integration and set-up. Alternatively, configuring Constant Contact is a relatively simpler task.   
  7. Constant Contact offers a better user interface than Salesforce. Constant Contact is more user-friendly and easy to operate while operating Salesforce can be quite arduous.
  8. Constant Contact provides better performance than Salesforce. Customer reviews suggest that the overall performance of Constant Contact is much better than Salesforce.
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Last Updated : 19 November, 2023

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23 thoughts on “Constant Contact vs Salesforce: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The post brings out the contrast between Constant Contact and Salesforce quite well, emphasizing the purpose and suitability for different business requirements.

  2. The article is certainly detailed and informative, providing a good understanding of each platform’s core functions and capabilities.

  3. The comparative analysis presented in the article is quite thorough and insightful, helping businesses understand the primary differences between the platforms.

  4. Although the comparison is well-structured, it would be even better if examples of businesses using each platform were discussed for further insight.

  5. The post is well researched and provides a solid basis for businesses to understand the main differences between the two platforms.

  6. This is a clear and concise comparison, making it easier for businesses to decide between the two platforms. Personally, I appreciate the direct approach of the article.

  7. The content is clear and insightful, but it would be beneficial to provide a deeper analysis on the differences in performance and user interface between the platforms.

  8. While the article presents an extensive comparison of the two platforms, it does lack a more critical analysis on the overall performance and user-friendliness.

  9. As a marketing expert, I found the comparison of features and customer suitability of both platforms quite informative. This article would have been perfect if there was some comparison regarding the cost and user interface as well.

    • The article is detailed but it should include some actual user’s feedback on Constant Contact and Salesforce to make it more insightful.

    • I agree with your comment. The post provides detailed information on the features but lacks insight into pricing and user experience.


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