Microsoft vs Google Authenticator: Difference and Comparison

When a person logs in, they must first authenticate themselves by entering their email address or username, followed by a password.

Passwords alone may not be sufficient to safeguard important accounts. When we talk about authentication, there are two apps that come in handy which are Microsoft Authenticator and Google Authenticator.

Key Takeaways

  1. Microsoft Authenticator supports push notifications for secure sign-ins, while Google Authenticator does not support this feature.
  2. Google Authenticator can be used on more platforms than Microsoft Authenticator, including iOS, Android, and BlackBerry.
  3. Microsoft Authenticator has a passwordless sign-in option using biometric authentication, while Google Authenticator does not have this feature.

Microsoft Authenticator vs Google Authenticator

Microsoft Authenticator software provides its own settings for user authentication. It provides options for backup and recovery of the data. Google Authenticator uses a two-step authentication method in which an authentication code is generated by the app to proceed further. It has no backup.

Microsoft Authenticator vs Google Authenticator

The software-based authentication method, Microsoft Authenticator, may be used to access your Access Manager Plus account.

The Microsoft Authenticator app must be downloaded and installed on your smartphone or tablet. Tokens are generated by the app and change every 30 seconds.

When you first log in to Access Manager Plus, you’ll be asked to input your 6-digit token code.

Using the Google Authenticator app, a sign-in attempt may be verified using Google Authenticator’s sophisticated 2-Step verification process.

Once activated, the Google Authenticator app will produce a code for each owner account, co-account owner account, and administrator to complete the Sign-In procedure.

Enabling two-step authentication is available only to accounts with Owners & Co-Account Owners.

Comparison Table

Parameters Of ComparisonMicrosoft AuthenticatorGoogle Authenticator
Cloud BackupMicrosoft Authenticator provides cloud backup.Cloud Backup is not available.
Passwordless LoginAvailable Not available
Autofill PasswordsAvailable in the Microsoft Authenticator app.Not available as google authenticator does not have a password management option.
Custom IconsSupported by Microsoft so that anyone can locate the app easily.Google Authenticator does not support Custom Icons.
Backup FeatureMicrosoft provides a Backup feature which is helpful if your phone is lost or stolen.Google Authenticator does not provide any backup feature.

What is Microsoft Authenticator?

Microsoft Authenticator is a two-factor authentication tool built on Microsoft’s security technologies.

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You may unintentionally run into the app if you update your Microsoft account settings or use two-factor authentication.

Or, you may need two-factor authentication as an additional layer of protection.

No matter how you look at it, the security layer provided by the Microsoft Authenticator app is a great method to reduce the amount of money you lose to cybercrime.

A version for iOS and an Android version of the app was released in June 2016. To top it all off, using the authenticator is a breeze.

Creating a 6-digit code is as simple as signing into your account (which will prompt you for one), and the app will create it practically instantly.

The greatest part, of course. It’s faster and more effective than text or email codes across many platforms.

It is Microsoft’s goal to have Authenticator be the only security software you need on your mobile device and to have all of your logins secured and synchronized using a Microsoft account, such as, Hotmail, Live, and so on.

As a result, this only works if you have a Microsoft account. If you also use Edge, the passwords you’ve saved will sync with your desktop version of the browser.

The Autofill plugin for Chrome ensures synchronization works for you.

microsoft authenticator

What is Google Authenticator?

Google Authenticator, a two-step authentication mechanism based on software, was first launched in September of that same year.

Because of its dedication to preventing account password theft, free security software has become a leader in the battle against security breaches.

You may use Google Authenticator with any service or site that supports two-factor authentication, including those on Android and iOS.

A one-time 6-digit passcode produced by the authenticator is generated automatically by your account when you try to log in using Google’s 2FA.

Signing in with your username and password is all it takes. To make sure you’re using the same device as the authenticator app, you’ll need to use a combination of password and code.

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Even if a hacker manages to break your password, they will be unable to access your account.

There is a 6-digit 2FA numerical code in the app that you may use without receiving a text message. Enter that code when you login into the account, and you’re in.

Before you start using Authenticator to log in, most websites will ask you to verify that the code in it works.

In addition to not having an SMS message intercepted, an app like Google Authenticator provides the convenience of having all of your codes in one place and having them accessible at all times, even when your phone is offline.

google authenticator

Main Differences Between Microsoft Authenticator and Google Authenticator

  1. Microsoft Accounts users may get one-tap push alerts by tapping the refresh button next to the ellipsis at the top of the screen. Google’s push notification system is not supported.
  2. Microsoft Authenticator uses colour to differentiate the icons for each item, while Google Authenticator does not.
  3. Microsoft Authenticator will autofill your passwords on websites and apps, a functionality that Google Authenticator does not provide due to the absence of a Password Management option.
  4. Microsoft Authenticator may be used on many platforms, including Android, iOS, and Windows, and your TOTP or OTP codes and passwords will sync between them. The Google authenticator is only accessible on Android and iOS devices and does not support syncing.
  5. Microsoft Authenticator has an optional Cloud Backup feature that Google Authenticator does not.

Last Updated : 11 June, 2023

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21 thoughts on “Microsoft vs Google Authenticator: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The comprehensive comparison of Microsoft and Google authenticators in the article is truly commendable. A noteworthy contribution.

  2. While the arguments for both authenticators are compelling, the article should have considered the user experience as well.

  3. The article provides a structured and insightful comparison between the Microsoft and Google authenticators, enabling readers to make informed decisions.

    • Absolutely, the article’s structure and depth make it a very informative read for those interested in these authentication apps.

  4. The article provides a comprehensive comparison of the Microsoft Authenticator and Google Authenticator, making the reader aware of the technical differences between both. A very informative piece.

  5. The technical comparisons are certainly valuable; however, it would be better if the article had more real-world examples to illustrate the differences between the two authenticators.

  6. I appreciate the article’s approach towards thoughtful comparison, providing insight into the functional differences of both authentication apps.

  7. The article presents a detailed and well-explained comparison between Microsoft and Google authenticators. Great job!

  8. The article excels in presenting the features and capabilities of the Microsoft and Google authenticators with a well-structured comparison between them.


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