The terms Celtic and Gaelic cause a lot of confusion among many due to how similar they are, and the reason for this similarity is that they are interrelated. The …
The Religion category page provides information on different religions, beliefs, and spiritual practices. It offers a one-stop destination for users to find resources, stories, and news related to religion. This page is an essential resource for anyone who wants to learn more about different faiths, religious practices, and customs.
Episcopal vs Methodist: Difference and Comparison
Christianity is widely popular worldwide, with more than 2 billion followers. This religion holds God sacred: believers channel praises, worship, and prayers to Him. The two major sects of Christianity …
Fullmetal Alchemist vs Brotherhood: Difference and Comparison
Fullmetal Alchemist and Brotherhood are two Japanese manga-based anime series that have fascinated viewers worldwide. Fullmetal Alchemist vs. Brotherhood The difference between Fullmetal Alchemist and Brotherhood is that Fullmetal Alchemist …
Methodist vs Baptist: Difference and Comparison
The two most important branches of Protestantism, Methodist and Baptist, were formed to protect their followers. The differences of opinion in the belief system and practices led to the rise …
Cross vs Crucifix: Difference and Comparison
A cross is a simple geometric symbol representing Christianity, featuring two intersecting lines. On the other hand, a crucifix is a specific type of cross that includes a depiction of …
Good Friday vs Easter Monday: Difference and Comparison
Good Friday commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, observed as a solemn day of reflection and mourning. Easter Monday follows Easter Sunday, celebrating the resurrection with a day off in …
Amish vs Mennonite: Difference and Comparison
Amish and Mennonite communities share Anabaptist roots but differ in their level of adherence to traditional practices. The Amish generally maintain stricter rules of separation from modern society, while Mennonites …
Catholic vs Lutheran: Difference and Comparison
Christianity holds the maximum percentage of the population in the world, though not the oldest religion as compared to others. This religion is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ …
Soul vs Spirit: Difference and Comparison
Every human in this world has both spirit and soul as a gift from god. But both of them are different, and they affect humans in different ways. Both of …
This Too Shall Pass (Meaning, Origin, Story, Tattoos, Quotes)
This famous proverb has traveled all over the world with a message of wisdom. We have heard it thousands of times in our lives, but the truth is that its …
Shia vs Sunni: Difference and Comparison
Shia and Sunni are two major sects of Islam differing primarily in their beliefs regarding the rightful successor to Prophet Muhammad. Shia Muslims believe in the leadership of Ali and …
Great Is Thy Faithfulness Lyrics – Christmas Songs and Carols
Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my FatherThere is no shadow of turning with TheeThou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail notAs Thou hast been, Thou forever will be Great …
Audioslave – Like a Stone Lyrics – Christmas Songs and Carols
On a cobweb afternoon in a room full of emptinessBy a freeway, I confess I was lost in the pagesOf a book full of death, reading how we’ll die aloneAnd …
Mary, Did You Know? Lyrics – Christmas Songs and Carols
Mary, did you know that your Baby Boy would one day walk on water? Mary, did you know that your Baby Boy would save our sons and daughters? Did you …
Email Santa Claus and Get a Reply for Free – Xmas Traditions
Throughout the world, children have been waiting patiently for the Christmas season to begin. They know they have to be good little boys and girls to have a great holiday. …
10 Winter Holidays Around the World – Xmas Vacations
People love wintertime for many reasons. One reason is the wide range of celebrations during this time of the year. With 10 winter festivals and holidays around the world, there …
Origin and History of Mince Pies at Christmas – Xmas Recipes
Introduction Definition and origin of mince pies Mince pies are a traditional pastry-based dessert consisting of sweet filling, made from a mixture of minced meat, suet, dried fruits, spices, and …

Resources Collection for Christmas Carols History
Following is a good collection that covers everything about Christmas Carols. Xmas Hymes and singing are a big tradition so it is interesting to know carols history and related popular …
Christmas Carols Origin and Their History – Xmas Traditions
Historical Background of Christmas Carols Early Origins Evolution in Different Cultures Religious Significance Connection to Christian Liturgy Spread of Christian Themes Secularization and Popularization Transition to Secular Themes Impact on …
Christingles Service History – Xmas Traditions
Christingles Service History Origins of Christingles Symbolism of Christingles Christmas Traditions Evolution of Christmas Celebrations Traditional Christmas Symbols Modern Christmas Practices References
Jesse Tree – Gifts, Ornaments, Symbols, Advent and Service
Gifts on the Jesse Tree Overview of Jesse Tree Tradition The Jesse Tree tradition is a meaningful way to celebrate the Advent season, tracing the lineage of Jesus Christ through …
The History and Facts of Colors of Christmas – Xmas Traditions
Decorating a home for Christmas feels great. For the love and honor of the Christmas season, you definitely want to attain a perfect look for your home when it comes …
The History and Facts of Christmas Cards – Xmas Traditions
When the holidays are approaching, one thing on many people’s list of things to buy is Christmas cards. We send them to family members, friends, neighbors, and co-workers. Many people …
Stories Behind Christmas Carols and Hymns
The original “Christmas carols” were technically pagan songs that were sung at Winter Solstice. As the Christmas holiday overtook this celebration, Christian songs were formed to replace the pagan ones. …
Joseph, Mary and Jesus Returning Home – Christmas Story
The gospels hint that the Holy Family had connections with two towns, Bethlehem and Nazareth, but in the end, they opted for the latter. Here is why Joseph, Mary, and …
Christmas Candy Canes – Xmas History and Facts
The very first noted candy cane did not resemble anything like we know today. They were straight, white, and the only flavoring was the pure sweet sugar it was created …
Christmas Eve Traditions Around the World
Every year, there are many traditions, customs, and activities based around Christmas. While exchanging Christmas gifts is a highlight of the holiday season, what truly makes it the most wonderful …
Merry Christmas vs Happy Christmas – Origins of Merry Xmas
The exact first usage of “Merry Christmas” is not entirely known, but we can assume it is somewhere around the 16th century. Around this time in history, the word “merry” …
Christmas in Russia – Its a Totally Different Experience
Christmas was not recognized as much back in the days of the Soviet Union. Instead, the New Year’s celebration was deemed to be essential. After the revolution in 1917, the …
Christmas in Malta – A Country with Rich History of Xmas Celebrations
On any given day, few places in the world are more visually stunning than the island of Malta. With colorful lights glowing throughout every trail, this is even truer at …
Christmas in Zambia – They are Full of Devotion
In the center of southern Africa lies the country of Zambia. While it is considered to be one of the world’s poorest countries, the people here are rich in enthusiasm, …
Christmas in Lebanon – The Maronite Catholics Country
Unlike the majority of countries in the Middle East, Christmas in Lebanon is an official holiday. Both Christian and Muslim Lebanese celebrate this day with vigor, which is accomplished through …
Christmas in China – Xmas is Getting Popular
Although Christmas isn’t an official holiday in China, Chinese people perceive it as a day of entertainment and celebrate it with vigor. This occurs in major cities where people are …
Christmas in Australia – Xmas is the Biggest Festival
In Australia, Christmas coincides with summer, thus allowing Australians to spend most of the holiday relaxing on the beaches or camping with their family and friends. Although most of the …
Christmas in Argentina – How do They Celebrate it in Argentina
While there are no picturesque, snow-covered chimneys in Argentina during the Christmas season as it is in America, the festive cheer is not any less. It comes with a summer …
Christmas in Madagascar – The Country with Special Xmas Food Items
Christmas in Madagascar is celebrated on December 25th, just as it is in most countries. However, an African December will never provide a White Christmas, as the average temperature there …
Santa Claus and Father Christmas from Around the World in Different Languages
Santa Claus is the Gift Bringer. He has different names in different countries as given below: The most famous name of our Father Xmas is Santa Claus. However, every country …
The Star of Bethlehem – Jesus Birth and Christmas Story
The Star of Bethlehem is one of the best-known and most widely-revered elements of the Christmas story. However, it is controversial in terms of whether the bright light that, according …
Christmas in the United Kingdom – Santa, Xmas Food, Turkey and Prayers
The United Kingdom has a rich tradition of celebrating Christmas. This nation consists of four independent countries which include England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Each nation has its own …
Christmas in Puerto Rico – Get Inspired from Their Devotion
The month of December, particularly around the Christmas season is one of the most anticipated times of the year in the entire world. Many celebrations, events, and festivals take place …
Christmas in Poland – Know About Their Gifts and Surprises
The commercialization of Christmas has spread to many parts of the world. But in Poland, a predominantly Catholic country, in which Poles take pride in their faith and folkways, Christmas …
Christmas in Pakistan – Celebrations are Its Peak
Just like with most parts of the world, the 25th of December is a public holiday in Pakistan. On this day, most of the country’s residents commemorate Muhammad Ali Jinnah, …
Christmas in India – How Xmas is Celebrated in the Country with Diversity
Although Christmas is not a holiday associated with India, where the principal religions are Hinduism and Islam, the celebration of Christmas is very much a part of India’s diverse, multi-faith …
Christmas in Costa Rica – They Celebrate Xmas Day Quite Differently
Costa Rica is endowed with sandy beaches, palm trees, and warm weather, including during December. However, just because the country doesn’t get wrapped up in snow during the festive season …
Christmas in Armenia – All About Xmas That You Need Know
What Makes Christmas in Armenia Unique In Armenia, the Christmas season is kicked off with an enormous Christmas tree being set up in the Republic Square of Yerevan (which is …
Christmas in Spain – The Country with Beaches Celebrates Xmas in Unique Style
Spain is an old country that is filled with rich traditions. This nation has many holidays and celebrations and Christmas is one of the biggest of all time. Most Spaniards …
Christmas in Colombia – They Highly Value the Festival
Christmas Colombia is characterized by colorful lights, scrumptious traditional foods, and downright wacky traditions. The arrival of December comes with a bang as the residents fill the air with fireworks …
Christmas in Finland – Father Xmas is Loved so Much
Once winter rolls around, Finland is ripe with the Christmas spirit. This country is rich in their holiday traditions, even going so far as to say that Santa Claus needn’t …
Christmas in Nigeria – A Different Experience
A Nigerian Christmas Nigerians love making Christmas a huge family event. Some families are separated by a lot of distance, as some live in large cities, while the majority of …
Christmas in New Zealand – The Churches are Full During Xmas
In New Zealand, Christmas festivities are celebrated during the summer holidays, just like in neighboring Australia. During this time, a special majority of people prefer to camp at their holiday …
Christmas in Czechia / Czech Republic – Xmas is in Their Roots
Just like with most parts of the world, Christmas in Czech is characterized by celebrations, presents, colors, and shining lights. This holiday is, however, filled with traditions that are somewhat …
Christmas in Romania – They Leave No Stone Unturned While Celebrating Xmas
From 20th December; when the Romans celebrate St. Ignatius day, to 7th January, the people there consider it to be the Christmas season. However, the actual commemoration of Christmas starts …
Christmas in Montenegro – Yule Log is Popular Here
In Montenegro, Christmas eve is called “Badnji dan’ in the day, and then “Badnje vec” when the sun goes down. This is a time that many are preparing their Christmas …
Christmas in Bolivia – You See Lights Lit Up Everywhere
After Carnaval, Christmas is the second most celebrated holiday in Bolivia. This holiday has some interesting characteristics that aren’t found in other places. For instance, December is summertime in this …
Christmas in South Korea – Quite a Good Number of Christians
South Korea carries a considerable number of Christians than the other countries in the Asian continent. Therefore, Christmas is celebrated extensively as compared to other Asian countries like Japan and …
Christmas in Latvia – This is How They Celebrate
Latvian Santa Claus Santa Claus, is also known as Ziemassvetku vecitis to Latvian children, which directly translates to the “Christmas Old Man”. Children believe in this “Christmas Old Man” and …
Christmas in Kenya – Xmas Celebrations Everywhere
The Christmas period in Kenya is a time when relatives try to meet up and celebrate together. You can easily spot the cheery as people travel all around the country, …
Christmas in France – Xmas Traditions Around the World
Christmas in France comes with some unique traits that make it spending the festive season in this enchanting country a mind-blowing experience. The celebrations begin as early as the 6th …
Poinsettias at Christmas – Xmas Traditions
Poinsettias are seen all over during the Christmas season. From people’s homes to churches, schools, and businesses. They are a staple decoration that’s easy to find and inexpensive. They provide …
Christmas in Iceland – A Really White Xmas Experience
The Christmas season in Iceland is a time of year that is a pivotal event for the average Icelander. Interestingly enough, it is a time of year that goes well …
Christmas in Egypt – How do They Celebrate in the Country Where Jesus Visited as Child
Christmas in Egypt is a celebration of selflessness. While Egypt is not a Christian country, Christmas is still celebrated by hundreds of thousands of Coptic Christians (belonging to the Coptic …
Christmas in Mexico – Everyone Totally Respects and Worships Jesus
A Family-Centric Holiday Mexico’s rich and vibrant culture is best seen when observing how traditions and customs are celebrated on holidays. For the typical Mexican household, Christmas is one of …
Christmas in Ethiopia – Xmas Has Deep Roots in This Country
Ethiopians mostly associated with the Orthodox Church, whose beliefs differ from the typical Christian faith. Thus, Christmas in Ethiopia is unique and different from other world parts. They celebrate Christmas, …
Christmas in Mali – Simplicity is At Its Best
Mali and It’s Christmas Mali is a country in Western Africa comprised of several ethnic groups that each have customs and traditions of their own. Although it is mostly a …
Christmas in Portugal (Look at These Photos and Read Their Customs)
Let us start with how gift-giving traditions in Portugal are. Everyone, including kids, enjoy Christmas since they believe this is festive of receiving gifts. Portuguese have different beliefs regarding the …
Christmas in Sweden – Xmas Spirit Has a Long History
St Lucia’s Day is Huge in Sweden Although like most regions Christmas is an important holiday in Sweden, one of the grandest celebrations is St. Lucia’s Day; (St. Lucy’s Day), …
Christmas in Greenland – People Make it Special Every Year
Like in most parts of Europe, Christmas celebrations in Greenland begin on the Advent and go up to the 6th of January; the time of Epiphany. During this time, you …
Christmas in Germany (People Gather in Huge Groups)
In Germany, the late November’s Advent festivity marks the beginning of Christmas holiday celebrations. The Christmas season goes up to 6th January, which is time for Epiphany. The eve of …
Christmas in Chile – Their Religious Beliefs Makes Them Special
The Chilean Christmas is largely a spiritual affair as the country is predominantly Catholic. This doesn’t imply that the Chileans can’t accomplish the festive cheer. For instance, you’re bound to …
Christmas Presents – Xmas Traditions
Christmas presents are a big part of the Christmas holiday. Traditionally, they have been given as a part of the Christmas celebration. As a matter of fact, people expect Christmas …
Christmas in Hungary – Visit Hungary During Xmas Time
Christmas in Hungary is a huge celebration and like most of Europe’s they fill the season with their own unique traditions, here are a few of the biggest events. Gift …
Christmas in Denmark – It is Really a Great Experience
Christmas in Denmark is a period filled with lots of memorable moments. Christmas is known as “The Festival of Hearts” by the Danes, and it is more much-celebrated compared to …
Christmas in Canada – People are Super Excited During Xmas Time
Canada is one of the most Christmas friendly countries in the world. Canada might not have directly contributed to The Christmas Story, but they do have a unique affiliation with …
Christmas in Bangladesh – They Have Special Plans for Xmas
Christmas Celebrations in Bangladesh Bangladesh is a predominantly Islamic country so only a tiny minority of people celebrate Christmas there. However, Christmas Day is taken as a holiday even though …
Christmas in Haiti – Earthquake Couldn’t Shake Their Devotion to Son of God
Christmas in Haiti is celebrated by both the religious and non-religious. Celebrations begin at the beginning of December when families go out to get a Christmas tree. In Haiti, some …
Christmas in the Philippines – People are Eagerly Waiting for Xmas
Christmas in the Philippines is celebrated for a lot longer than it is in the West; we think Christmas music starts playing around town early for us, but some of …
Christmas in Slovakia – Their Oplatky Bread is World Famous
Slovakia like the rest of the world values Christmas day a lot, and thus they celebrate the birth of Jesus with memorable ceremonies. They begin their celebration with Advent, since …
Christmas in Brazil – Mind Blowing Experience During Xmas
Brazilian Christmas traditions are from Portugal since the latter ruled over Brazil many years ago. During the festivities, there are nativity scenes popularly known as Presépio, which are set up …
Kwanzaa Festival Day – Xmas Traditions
The month of December, especially around Christmas time, is a time when many people are in celebration and festive moods. Families and friends re-unite to make merry and unwind. The …
Christmas in the Democratic Republic of the Congo – Good Looking Xmas Trees
Despite having been plagued with wars and political crises for decades, The Democratic Republic of Congo still partakes in the magical spirit of Christmas. While many see Christmas as a …
Christmas in Austria – Huge Churches Which Are Centuries Old
Christmas in Austria starts quite early. Towards the end of November to the beginning of December, the majority of the towns conduct specialized Christmas markets known as ‘Christkindlmarkt.’ In the …
What is The Tradition of Mistletoe at Christmas – Xmas Traditions
Kissing under the mistletoe is a favorite holiday tradition for many westerners. This particular tradition is associated with Christmas. Many people hang it up during the holiday season hoping that …
Christmas in Bulgaria – Their Religious Beliefs Should be Respected
Bulgaria is an Orthodox country. Therefore the celebration is somehow unique from how countries celebrate the day. The traditional Eastern Orthodox celebrates Christmas on 7th January. They believe that Jesus …
Christmas in Japan – Technology Use is At Its Extreme
Whereas Christmas in Japan is not a national holiday, it is celebrated throughout the country. Because less than one percent of Japan’s population is Christian, the religious connotations linked with …
Christmas in Jamaica – Quite Simple Way to Celebrate Xmas
Honestly, Jamaica seems like an unusual place to celebrate the Christmas holiday. Truthfully, the island nation does not have a snowy climate or cold winds. The land of Jamaica is …
Christmas in Italy – Their Customs are World Popular
The Italians really enjoy the Christmas season. They are a Christian nation that believes firmly in their religion and their traditions. Remember, Vatican City is a country inside of Italy …
Christmas in Ireland – Pure Devotion and Nothing Else
The Irish people are known for their many great customs and cultural influences in the west. They are especially known for Halloween and St. Patrick’s Day. These two-holiday gems have …
Christmas in Georgia – They Wait for 7th January to Arrive
There is always something charming about Christmas festivities in Georgia. During this day, the atmosphere is filled with love, warmth, and support as people welcome the birth of Jesus Christ. …
Christmas Related Pictures as Coloring Pages – Kids Fun Activities for Xmas
Kids love coloring activities. Keep your kids engaged with coloring this Christmas and teach them the traditions and story of Christmas. The coloring pictures are split into 2 sections. First …
Christmas Recipes – List of Detailed Recipes from Around the World
Christmas around the world is incomplete without food, gifts, and songs. In this article, I list the food recipes from around the world. These recipes are ready for you on …
Find the Difference – Snowman Edition
Can you find the ten differences?
Spot the Difference – Christmas Tree Edition
Can you find the ten differences?
Spot the Difference – Puzzles for Christmas Season
Keep yourself and dear ones engaged this holiday season with some Find the difference puzzles for Christmas. I have 2 Find Differences puzzles for you. The goal is find all …
Xmas Customs and Traditions – Word Search Puzzle
Word Search Puzzles to Improve the Christmas IQ
Keep yourself, friends, family and kids engaged with these word search puzzles. The task is to find the asked words in the mesh of alphabets. These words could be in …
Words Related to Christmas Story – Word Search Puzzle
Christmas Related Words – Word Search Puzzle
Christmas in The Netherlands – Santa is Most Awaited For
Christmas in the Netherlands is similar to the experiences in the other western major Christian countries. A Dutch Christmas is majorly typified by family gatherings, having excellent drinks and food …
Merry Christmas In Different Languages – How to Speak Happy/Merry Christmas Around the World
Get to know about how to say Merry Christmas in multiple languages. This page is your resource for Happy/Merry Christmas for all the languages apart from English. I have tried …
Tunis Christmas Cake – Delicious Christmas Cake Recipe
(from the UK ) A Madeira cake with a topping of a thick layer of chocolate and decoration of marzipan fruits is known as a Tunis cake. This cake is …
St. Nicholas, Santa Claus & Father Christmas – History of Santa Claus
Is the legend of Father Christmas/Santa Claus based on a true story? There is no question that children and families the world over enjoy the holiday of Christmas. They love …
The End of The Christmas Story – History of Xmas and Jesus
The Christmas tale, even though a short one, is one that brings great joy, peace, and excellent news. Out of the 27 books located in the New Testament section of …
The History of Wassailing and Mumming – Xmas Traditions
Everyone knows about carolers and Christmas pantos, but very few people remember the ancient act of Wassailing, except as a lyric in an old Christmas carol. The line “here we …
All About the Wise Men in Christmas – Xmas Story
The Birth of Jesus and the Wise Men Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea during the ruling of King Herod. After his birth, Magi came from the east of …
Christmas in Switzerland (With Pictures)
Every state has its way of celebrating Christmas and Switzerland is no exception. Although they borrow some customs from other countries close to them such as Germany and Australia, they …
Complete Traditional History of Christmas Pudding – Xmas Traditions
Presently, what people think of Christmas pudding as, is not what it primarily was. With its origin in the 14th century, the meal consisted of a type of porridge known …
Pantomimes in Christmas – Xmas Traditions
Also known as Panto, (the shortened form), Pantomime is a common Christmas tradition in Britain where people gather at theaters to watch a play. Yet, it has a very non-British …
An Angel Visits Joseph in Christmas Story – Xmas Story
Upon receiving the news that Mary was with child and the child was not his own, Joseph has doubts about his decision for the future. But through this doubt, God …
Christmas in Indonesia – They are Inspiring
During Christmas in Indonesia, “Sinterklass” is commonly known as Santa Claus from the USA. The reason is that Indonesia was ruled by the Netherlands. The exchanging of Christmas gifts is …
The History of the Yule Log in Christmas – Xmas Traditions
Introduction Like many of our traditions, the burning of the Yule log was started by the Norwegians, and begun long before the celebration of Christmas. In order to understand why …
Christmas in the Palestinian Territories – Where Jesus’s Birth Town is
Although Palestine has a higher population in Muslims, the Palestinians still celebrate Christmas in their state. One of the reasons why the Palestinian honor this day is because where Jesus …
Christmas Cake – Traditional British UK Recipe for Xmas
Christmas cakes are a tasty tradition that help to put people in a festive mood. Christmas cake tends to be rich in taste and contains plenty of dried fruit. This …
Christmas Quiz – Activities for Xmas Celebrations
Here’s a Christmas Quiz with 20 questions for you to try! All the answers are somewhere on the site! 1. What’s the name of the period leading up to Christmas?2. …
Jesus as a New Born – Story of Jesus Birth
While the story of Jesus’s birth and the first Christmas is one of the most-told stories and most-celebrated traditions in the world, many forget an important part of the story …
The Birth of Jesus – The Christmas Story behind the Birth of Jesus
The birth of Jesus is the premise for the Christian holiday known as Christmas. The Christmas story’s main highlight was Jesus’s birth. But many people seem to wonder why Jesus …
Christmas in Ukraine – The Trees are Full of Snow
For Ukrainians, Christmas doesn’t start until after the new year arrives. Christmas Day is celebrated on January 7th in this region and some other parts of eastern Europe. The lavish …
Christmas in Sri Lanka – Xmas is a Public Holiday
Sri Lanka has a deep appreciation for Christmas, despite a mere 7% of its population identifying as Christian. The Land of Serendipity is a Buddhist majority when it comes to …
Mincemeat Christmas Recipe – Traditional Xmas Specialty
Very few people know what it is like to taste traditional mincemeat, this sweet dish dates back to the early eleventh century. Now a worldwide holiday tradition, mincemeat is now …
The Christmas Story of Mary’s Relatives Elizabeth, Zechariah and Their Baby
After she had been told that she was going to have a baby, Mary went to visit her cousin(Elizabeth), who was also having a baby and had found out about …
Victorian Mince Pies – Christmas Recipe
Victorian Mince Pie is a festive British pastry served during Christmas and New Year. Also known as a mince tart, these flaky treats are guaranteed to please your holiday guests! …
Christmas in the United States of America – Christianity is in the Air
Due to the diverse cultural climate of the United States, it is a country that sees many different ways for people to celebrate Christmas. Many of the traditions seen practiced …
Wassail Recipe – Apple Cide Christmas Recipe
Wassail is an Anglo-Saxon greeting “waes hail” in which to wish others prosperity and good health. This 13th-century phrase for their salutation became a popular term for the drink participants …
Pepernoot / Christmas Tree Cookies – Netherlands Cookies Recipe
Ingredients Metric Measurements Plain wheat flour 250gms Ground cinnamon (1/4 teaspoon) Pinch of salt Baking powder (1 teaspoon) Caster sugar 165gms Unsalted butter 165gms Finely grated lemon rind (1 …
The Tradition of Advent – Complete History and Story of Xmas Traditions
Christians celebrate advent every December and the period covers the four Sundays prior to Christmas Day itself. Advent is when churchgoers and Christians tend to think about the real meaning …
The Shepherds and Angels – Jesus Birth Complete History and True Story
There is no question that the birth of Jesus was a monumental event. It was first noted in the Holy Scripture known as the Bible, and it was hailed as …
Christmas in Zimbabwe – The Churches Attract the Christians
On Christmas day in Zimbabwe, a majority of people attend church service in the morning. Once church service is over everyone goes back to their houses to start partying. Parties …
Christmas in Taiwan – Xmas Means Lots of Lights
Taiwan has a bigger Christmas celebration than Mainland China. Even though a good majority of the residents aren’t Christians, most of the local retail stores do sell Christmas decorations and …
Why is Christmas Day on the 25th December – Xmas Traditions and History
There is no question that Christmas is a special holiday throughout the world. It is celebrated to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ. This deity is an individual who many …
The Christmas Story – Birth of Jesus Christ for Kids
The Christmas Story is not only an important religious tale for Christians, but it is also a part of the culture of the Western world and is retold time and …
Christmas in South Africa – How Do They Celebrate
Learn More With the Help of Video Conclusion Christmas in South Africa is celebrated by everyone. The summer season during Xmas and special decorations everywhere make South Africa a good …
Christmas in Vietnam – Mostly Roman Catholic
The Vietnamese regard Christmas Eve as more significant than the actual day of Christmas. Many people take Christmas as only a holiday for the Christians, and hence it is not …
The History of Christmas Trees – Xmas Traditions That You Must Know
The decorating of Christmas trees originated in 16th century Germany, where Christians would bring decorated trees into their homes on Christmas Eve. The first recorded tree was set up by …
The 12 Days of Christmas – Complete History and Story
Most Western countries are familiar with the festive song ‘12 Days of Christmas.’ It’s a fun ditty that describes twelve days of gift-giving in the countdown to Christmas Day. While …
Epiphany Story, the Feast of The Three Kings
What is Epiphany? Epiphany is a term that denotes a sudden, profound realization or understanding, accompanied by a sense of clarity or enlightenment. This concept is deeply rooted in the …
Pavlova – Christmas Baking Recipe
Pavlova is a dessert made from meringue and is named after the famous Anna Pavlova the Russian ballerina. It’s lightly crusted and is topped with whipped cream and assorted fruits. …
Panettone Cake Dessert – Christmas Recipe – Xmas Fun
The classic panettone delivers a heady mixture of candied citrus, rich butter, and aromatic vanilla. It’s considered a Christmas staple in native households, particularly across Milan where the sweet treat …
Traditions of Christmas Bells – Xmas Fun
History and Origins of Christmas Bells Ancient Bells Used in Winter Solstice Celebrations The use of bells in winter celebrations can be traced back to ancient times when various cultures …
Christmas Pudding – Xmas Pudding Recipe
In the UK, Christmas pudding is a unique dessert that’s traditionally served over the festive period. Its origins date all the way back to the 14th century when Christmas pudding …
When Christmas is Celebrated and Its Not 25th December Everywhere
Many people think Christmas is to be celebrated on December 25th, and it ends there! But many people worldwide celebrate this joyous holiday with their own special traditions. Christmas is …
Christmas in Venezuela – The Society as Whole Celebrates Xmas
Xmas Celebrations in Venezuela Christmas celebrations in Venezuela are vibrant, festive, and deeply rooted in traditions that blend indigenous, European, and African influences. Here are some key aspects of Xmas …
Travels in Africa – The Escape to Egypt Story – Xmas History
The Threat of Herod The Birth of Jesus and the Visit of the Magi In the small town of Bethlehem, a child named Jesus was born to Mary, a humble …
German Christmas Stollen Recipe – Xmas Fun
A common traditional fruitcake that got its start in Germany, stollen has received different variations throughout the years. One common version includes marzipan (AKA almond paste), helping to add a …
Shortbread for Xmas – Christmas Recipe
In baker’s terms, shortbread is as easy as one, two, three. A sweet treat that can be enjoyed anytime and goes great with your morning cup of coffee or favorite …
Kerstkrans Pastry With Filling and Decoration — Christmas Recipe
A Kerstkrans Recipe From Holland The Ingredients Metric For Pastry Mixture 225 grams of ordinary flour A small dash of salt 25 grams of either lard or butter 15 …
Norwegian Hole Cake – Norway Christmas Recipe
Enjoy the recipe from Norway. This is a special type of cake with a hole in the center. Ingredients Metric Imperial Method Conclusion During Christmas time, you shouldn’t miss this …
Plum Pottage from 1707 — Christmas Recipe
This recipe dates back to 1701. As this is quite an old recipe so the specific taste may come after a couple of tries! Ingredients: In order to make plum …
Boxing Day – (History of the Day after Christmas)
Unveiling the Origins of Boxing Day Boxing Day, a widely celebrated public holiday in many Commonwealth nations, including the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa, is uniquely …
History of Candles at Christmas
Christmas candles, with their warm, flickering glow, have long been a cherished symbol of the holiday season. They add a touch of cozy ambiance to homes, churches, and festive gatherings, …
Akoho Misy Sakamalao – Madagascar Special Christmas Recipe
“Akoho Misy Sakamalao” is a traditional dish from Madagascar. It is a flavorful chicken dish that features chicken (akoho) cooked with sakamalao, a mixture of ginger, garlic, and green peppercorns. …